Swell has multiple requests that that they can make. Below is how to process their multiple new partner requests.
Partner requests form will be sent directly to Support
The email will be sent from Tong-Tong as a forward. The body of the email will contain the org contact email.via as a Typeform. It should look something like this.
Make the reporter Jeff Horton (jhorton@swellenergy.com).
Add as request participants skielas@swellenergy.com, amurphy@swellenergy.com, peter@swellenergy.com
Mark the ticket as a Company Specific Data Change
Provide the initial response
2. Make a CS ticket
The CS tick should contain:
Assignee = CS Team Member
QA Assignee = QA Team Member
Epic = Stable Solar ConfigurationsCopy the name of the installer into the description of the ticket. Swell Configurations
Ticket Type = Int Fin
Component = Swell Financing
Instructions on how to make a linked CS ticket from Support are here.
3. Account is configured
Configure the product in the account according to the instructions here.
4. Support will respond account and let them know the products are live
Hi {Customer},
Congrats, Stable Solar's products are now live in your account!
/wiki/spaces/SS/pages/714866740 are some training materials on how to use Stable Solar services in Sighten. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Support team will receive notice ticket is in UAT.
Support will send customer email below and send launch emails.
{Account contact email}
{Account Manager}
Stable Solar's Products are Live in your Sighten account!
Let Swell know the organization is ready to launch.