Name your webhook: this should be something simple that identifies the webhook.
Select an Event to base the webhook off of. The available events are:
Contract Recipient Status Change
Contract Status Change
Milestone Comment Created
Milestone Status Change
Task Comment Created
Qualification Update
Site ArchivedTask Comment Created
Determine some settings for your Webhook:
Test credentials - toggle: If this is toggled on, you will see a “test” label next to the credential name. And the credentials will only be used on Sighten testing environments like Onboard. If it is toggled off, it will be used on our production environment, Engine.
Org. specific authentication - toggle: if this is turned on, you will be able to add API keys for multiple organizations in the same credential.
Ex: If you have this toggled on, then you can add API keys for more than one organization. As you can see above, you can continue to add organizations by clicking the Add Organization Credential button. You can remove an organization’s credentials, by clicking the Remove Organization button to the right of the dropdown.
Select the Authentication type:
Headers - You will be asked to provide a Key and a Value.
Basic - With this method, you provide a username and password into the request header.
Token - This authentication method works by ensuring that each request to a server is accompanied by a signed token which the server verifies for authenticity and only then responds to the request. You will be asked to provide a Key and a Value.
AWS4 - You will be asked to provide an Access Key, a Secret Key, AWS Region, AWS Service, and a Base Endpoint.
HMAC-SHA256 - You will be asked to provide a Client ID and a Client Secret.
No Authentication - You do not need to provide any information in addition to the header(s).
OAuth2 - In this method, the user logs into a system. That system will then request authentication, usually in the form of a token. The user will then forward this request to an authentication server, which will either reject or allow this authentication. From here, the token is provided to the user, and then to the requester. URL Path: this is the address for the API call when the event is triggered.
Credential - dropdown: Each webhook is tied to a specific credential. If it is a test webhook, then you will only see test credentials and if it is a production credential, you will only see production credentials.
HTTP Method - dropdown:
PUT: is most-often utilized for update capabilities
POST: utilized to create new resources.
PATCH: utilized when we only send the data that we need to modify without modifying or altering other parts of the data.
Test Webhook - toggle: This determines if the webhook is applied in a test (Onboard) or production environment (Engine). Once your webhook is created, there will be a test label next to the name for test webhooks.
Active - toggle: This determines if the webhook is active or not. Once your webhook is created, there will be an inactive label next to the name for webhooks that have been deactivated.