Ignoring Errors:
Errors that are real errors, but we do not need to be alerted to urgently should be ignored. This will allow the system to still throw the error, but will not alert slack and distract the team.determined should not throw errors:
- Ignore for 6 months
- Create a ticket and add to the next release to remove throwing the sentry error from the code
- Add comment to Jira ticket and in Sentry error
Errors that are determined should throw errors, but we will not fix at this time:
- Ignore for 6 months
- Add comment to Jira ticket and in Sentry error
To find all ignored errors, search for is:muted.Question: I do not understand why these throw sentry errors.
Many Sentry errors give you a direct link to Fullstory. This allows you to watch the exact actions of the user when the error happens. The Fullstory URL can be found in the sentry error page by finding the "Cookies" section and retrieving the "fs_uid" (the highlighted section of the uid can be placed in a fullstory URL).