Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • All Production sentry error's reviewed
  • 0 open E1 / P1 issues in SEN project in JIRA
  • All Sentry errors on sentry-prod E1 or P1 errors
  • Error's addressed based on appropriate priority
  • Minimal noise (metric?)
    • Minimal sentry errors silenced
    • Minimal sentry errors ignored

Daily Process:

Link to Production Sentry:

For all new tickets in Jira SEN project:


To find all ignored errors, search for is:muted.


Link to #sentryprod channel:

  • Review all errors immediately as they come up on the #sentryprod channel
    • If the error is E1, move into current hotfix and assign to VP of Engineering
    • If the error is P1, move into current sprint and leave unassigned
    • If the error is not E1 or P1, follow the instructions to the ignore the error


Many Sentry errors give you a direct link to Fullstory.  This allows you to watch the exact actions of the user when the error happens.  The Fullstory URL can be found in the sentry error page by finding the "Cookies" section and retrieving the "fs_uid" (the highlighted section of the uid can be placed in a fullstory URL).
