- More utility rates! All sites will now show the option to see more rates. Click this to add closed (grandfathered) rates or commercial rates to the utility rates available for selection. Commercial rates are in beta - please reach out to provide feedback if you are interested in using these rates.
- Costs and margin visibility: accounts now have the option to hide costs and margins for equipment and adders, meaning sales representatives will only see the total costs. To have this feature turned on, reach out to your account manager or to support@sighten.io.
- Cost buildup included in quote summaries: quote summaries now include a section to show what cost buildup line items were included, making it easier for teams to track costing after the sale.
- Cost adder administration: cost adders are now easier to administer in Sighten's settings. Adder names can now be edited and always appear in alphabetical order.
- Proposal "Cost Breakdown" improvements: the "Cost Breakdown" section included in Sighten's full proposal now excludes financing upfront interest fees. You'll still be able to see total incentives and other important costs in the breakdown that were added in our last release.
- Reporting: see Sighten Metrics - Ongoing Updates.