Sprint 2.10 - 10/5/17 Release Target
contract_generationversion_count number - total number of document generated in a workflow (expected)
Sprint 2.9 - 9/21/17 Release Target
workflow_id - returns a list of unique identifiers for the all workflows associated with a site
system_id - returns the system UUID for a quote or system, or a list of systems IDs for a site
introduced indexing for improved reporting and data access
introduced the workflow-data endpoint
improved baseline mapping to ensure metrics had the same units
Sprint 2.8 - 9/7/2018 Release
avg_utility_cost_pre - average cost of power pre-solar
credit_expiration_date - credit expiration date
ability to filter with credit_expiration_date_before / credit_expiration_after
array_solar_access_percent_X - solar access values for month x
initial_contract_date - date of the first signed contract in a workflow