Table of Contents | ||||
What are metrics?
Metrics are fields that you can add to your proposal template that allow you to dynamically populate data from your project.
What metrics can I add to my proposal template?
You can add metrics to the proposal while editing a template under the Insert tab. Below is the list of metrics and their definitions that can be selected from the metrics menu
Proposal Metrics
Proposal Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Proposal Date Created | The date the proposal was created. | |
Proposal Date Generated | The date the proposal was generated. This date differs from the proposal date created if the proposal was not generated on the same day as creation. | |
Proposal Disclaimers | Displays disclaimers associated with financial products. This makes displaying different product’s disclaimers easy, as it will automatically display on the proposal. | |
Proposal Expiration Date | The date the proposal expires. The expiration date can be set in the proposal default settings. |
Quote Metrics
Quote Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Adder Name 1-5 | Name of the adder used during cost buildup. The name will appear on the proposal in the order it was entered into cost buildup. | |
Quote Adders Names | Comma-separated list of adder names. This will display all adder names included during cost buildup. | |
Adder Name and Quantity 1-5 | Name and quantity of the adder used during cost build up. The name will appear on the proposal in the order it was entered into cost buildup. | |
Quote Adders Names and Quantities | Comma-separated list of adder names and quantities. This will display all adder names and quantities included during cost buildup. | |
Adder Price 1-5 | $ | Price amount of adders. This will appear on the proposal in the order it was entered into cost buildup. |
Average Monthly Savings for year 1 | $ | Average monthly savings per month for the first year of solar as compared to the baseline scenario. |
Total Incentives for Installer for Comparable Value Yrs | $ | Total incentives for installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Rebates Incentives for Installer Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative rebates given to the installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Renewable Energy Certificate Incentives for Installer Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative SRECs given to the installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Performance Based Incentives for Installer Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative performance based incentives given to the installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative State Tax Credits Incentives for Installer Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative state tax credits given to the installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Federal Tax Credits Incentives for Installer Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative federal tax credits (ITC) given to the installer for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Total Incentives for Siteowner for Comparable Value Yrs | $ | Total incentives for the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Siteowner Incentives Net Buydown | $ | Total incentives available to the homeowner minus the financing product buydown. This can be used to show the homeowner the incentive amount that is not applied towards he financing product. |
Cumulative Rebates Incentives for Siteowner Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative rebates given to the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Renewable Energy Certificate Incentives for Siteowner Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative SRECs given to the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Performance Based Incentives for Siteowner Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative performance based incentives given to the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative State Tax Credits Incentives for Siteowner Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative state tax credits given to the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Cumulative Federal Tax Credits Incentives for Siteowner Comp Value Yrs | $ | Cumulative federal tax credits (ITC) given to the homeowner for comparable value years. Comparable values refers to the years of comparison set in the proposal default settings. |
Financier Production Year 1 | kWh | Production for a given year using financier degradation assumption. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The ITC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The ITC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The ITC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The ITC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The ITC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The ITC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The PBI amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The PBI amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The PBI amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The PBI amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The PBI amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The PBI amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The rebates amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The rebates amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The REC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The REC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The REC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The REC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The REC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The REC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | $ | The STC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | $ | The STC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | $ | The STC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | $ | The STC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | $ | The STC amount of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Amount by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | $ | The STC amount of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The ITC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The ITC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The ITC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The ITC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The ITC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Federal Tax Investment Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The ITC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The PBI name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The PBI name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The PBI name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The PBI name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The PBI name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Performance Based Incentives, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The PBI name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The rebates name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Rebates, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The rebates name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The REC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The REC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The REC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The REC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The REC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type Renewable Energy Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The REC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Financier Number 1 | The STC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Financier Number 2 | The STC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Installer Number 1 | The STC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Installer Number 2 | The STC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The STC name of the 1st incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Name by Incentive Type State Tax Credits, Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The STC name of the 2nd incentive that is assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Financier Number 1 | The incentive type of the 1st incentive assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Financier Number 2 | The incentive type of the 2nd incentive assigned to the financier. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Installer Number 1 | The incentive type of the 1st incentive assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Installer Number 2 | The incentive type of the 2nd incentive assigned to the installer. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Siteowner Number 1 | The incentive type of the 1st incentive assigned to the siteowner. | |
Incentive Type by Incentive Assignee Siteowner Number 2 | The incentive type of the 2nd incentive assigned to the siteowner. | |
Monthly Payment Post Amortization | $ | Monthly payment after a loan re-amortization. |
Monthly Payment Post Amortization (if No Amort.) | $ | Monthly payment if a loan is not re-amortized. This metric frequently used to show the payment if a homeowner chooses not to make a loan prepayment. |
Next Payment Month Post Start Period | The payment month after the start date for a given loan product. | |
Next Payment Month Post Grace Period | The payment month after a grace period for a given loan product. | |
Next Payment Month Post Amort Period | The payment month for the next amortized period for a given loan product. | |
Next Payment Month Post Promo Period | The payment month after a promotional period for a given loan product. | |
Next Payment Post Start Period | $ | The monthly payment amount after the start date for a given loan product. |
Next Payment Post Grace Period | $ | The monthly payment amount after a grace period for a given loan product. |
Next Payment Post Promo Period | $ | The monthly payment amount for the next amortized period for a given loan product. |
Next Payment Post Amort Period | $ | The monthly payment amount after a promotional period for a given loan product. |
Quote Channel Manager Name | The name of the channel manager for a given financing product. | |
Quote External Program Name | The name of the savings program for a given financing product. | |
Quote Financier Name | The name of the financing company for a given financing product. | |
Quote Promotion Name | List of promotion names included in a quote generated using cost buildup | |
Quote Promotion Total | $ | The total amount of promotions applied to a quote generated using cost buildup. |
Savings Annual Year 1 | Total savings for the 1st year. | |
Solar Rate Year 1 | $/kWh | Solar spend in year 1 divided by the system production in year 1. |
Solar Spend Annual Year 1 | $ | The total amount spent on a project in the 1st year. |
Total System Price | $ | Sum of install cost and financing fees. |
Utility Bill With Project Annual Year 1 | $ | The post-project utility bill in year 1. |
Solar Monthly Payment | $ | For select financing, a solar monthly payment is calculated as a subset of the monthly payment. |
Storage Monthly Payment | $ | For select financing, a storage monthly payment is calculated as a subset of the monthly payment. |
Site Metrics
Site Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Address Line 1 | The first line of the site address. | |
City Name | Name of site city. | |
Contact Email | Email address entered on the contact phase. | |
Contact First Name | First name of contact entered on the contact phase. | |
Contact Last Name | Last name of contact entered on the contact phase. | |
Contact Phone Number | Phone number entered on the contact phase. | |
Current Utility Company Name | Name of the siteowner’s utility provider. | |
Optimal Site Azimuth | Degrees | Optimal azimuth based on tmy station weather data. |
Optimal Site Irradiance | kWh/m^2 | Optimal irradiance (kWh/m^2) based on tmy station weather data. |
Optimal Site Tilt | Degrees | Optimal tilt based on tmy station weather data. |
Organization Name | Name of organization generating proposal. | |
Site Owned By Organization Name | The name of the organization the owns the site. | |
Site Owner Email | The email address of user assigned to the site phase. | |
Site Usage Profile Utility Rate Escalator | The utility escalation rate applied to the site. | |
State Abbreviation | State abbreviation of the site. | |
User Email | Email of user generating proposal. | |
User Name | First and last name of user generating proposal. | |
User Phone | Phone number of user generating proposal. | |
Utility Bill Pre | Annual utility bill pre project. | |
Utility Rate Pre By Year | $/kWh | The average annual $ per kWh rate. |
Zipcode | Zipcode of the site. |
System Metrics
System Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Monthly Production 1-12 | kWh | Solar production by month during the first year. |
Array Azimuth 1- 5 | Degrees | Azimuth for solar arrays 1-5. |
Array Tilt 1-5 | Degrees | Tilt for solar arrays 1-5 |
Generation Project Capacity Kw | Kw | Solar system size in Kw. |
Generation Project First Year Generation | kWh | System production in the first year. |
Generation Project Inverter Manufacturer Count | The number of inverters per system per manufacturer. | |
Generation Project Inverter Manufacturer Name | The manufacturer name(s) of inverters per system. | |
Generation Project Inverter Model Count | The number of inverters per system per model. | |
Generation Project Inverter Model Abbreviated | Abbreviated inverter model name. | |
Generation Project Inverter Count | The number of inverters per system. | |
Generation Project Productivity | kWh | System productivity. |
Generation Project Pv Module Capacity Count | W | Count of modules by module size in watts. |
Generation Project Pv Module Capacities | W | Module size in watts. |
Generation Project Pv Module Manufacturer Count | Count of system modules by manufacturer. | |
Generation Project Pv Module Model Count | Count of system modules by model. | |
Generation Project Pv Module Model Abbreviated | Abbreviated module model name. | |
Generation Project Pv Module Count | The number of modules per system. | |
Inverter Efficiency | Efficiency of system inverter. | |
Project Estimated Installation End Date | Estimated date installation will end entered on the project phase. | |
Project Monitoring Manufacturer | Manufacturer name of monitoring equipment entered on the project phase. | |
Project Monitoring Model | Model name of monitoring equipment entered on the project phase. | |
Project Racking Manufacturer | Manufacturer name of racking equipment entered on the project phase. | |
Pv Module Capacity | Nominal rating of system module. | |
Site Consumption Offset | Percentage of homeowner's current grid import that is offset by new generation, storage, and energy efficiency projects. |
Energy Efficiency Metrics
Energy Efficiency Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Efficiency Equipment Count 1-5 | List of counts for all EE items added to a project. The default quantity is 1. | |
Efficiency Equipment Manufacturer 1-5 | The equipment manufacturer of each Energy Efficiency Item. | |
Efficiency Project Item Capacity 1-5 | The capacity of an efficiency equipment model associated with a specific efficiency item on a project. | |
Efficiency Project Item Quantity 1 | Quantity of the 1st efficiency item entered on the project phase. | |
Efficiency Project Item Quantity 2 | Quantity of the 2nd efficiency item entered on the project phase. | |
Efficiency Project Item Quantity 3 | Quantity of the 3rd efficiency item entered on the project phase. | |
Efficiency Project Item Quantity 4 | Quantity of the 4th efficiency item entered on the project phase. | |
Efficiency Project Item Quantity 5 | Quantity of the 5th efficiency item entered on the project phase. | |
Energy Efficiency Item Equipment Model 1-5 | The equipment model of each Energy Efficiency Item. | |
Energy Efficiency Item Equipment Type 1-5 | The equipment type of each Energy Efficiency Item (e.g. AC, ROOF, etc.) |
Storage Metrics
Storage Metrics | ||
Name | Units (if applicable) | Definition |
Battery Capacity 1-5 | kWh | The capacity of each Battery. |
Battery Count 1-5 | The number of batteries associated with a specific battery on a project. | |
Battery Model 1-5 | The model of each Battery. | |
Battery Power Rating 1-5 | kW | The power rating of each Battery. |
Battery Purpose 1-5 | The purpose associated with a battery on a project. | |
Battery Warranty 1-5 | Years | The warranty of each Battery |
Project Storage Capacity | kWh | The total capacity of all batteries across a storage project. |
Project Storage Power Rating | kW | The total power rating of all batteries across a storage project. |