Go to project: Ideas
Search using several key words to ensure idea does not exist already
If it does exist, add a comment with details from the requester: additional context, reporter, organization. Link the support ticket to the idea.
If it does not exist, click “Create” and follow below steps.
Complete details within the ticket
1 sentence to 2 paragraphs explanation of the idea. If you cannot provide this, please follow up with the customer in a support ticket. But honestly, please include as much information as possible here.
Requesting Customer(s) by individual and organization
(Partner) Priority: Please add what you think is the priority based on communication with the partner
HIGHEST is "system cannot be used without it by a majority of installers" OR “we are at risk of losing an installer”
MEDIUM is “the installer will benefit from this enhancement, but the installer can live without it” and 5 is "I think we can live without this for a while but we should consider in the future"
LOWEST is “we provided a workaround and the installer is happy, but here is an idea on how we can make it better in the long run”
Select at least one component (reach out to Tim Marchese if it doesn’t fit or you have questions)
add label:
for any requests that came directly from a partneradd label:
for any ideas specific to the support team
Link support ticket to the idea