NOTE: this process if for processing tickets that come in a typform for product updates for specific installers. This is not the process to follow if a global pricing change happened and an installer needs help to revert pricing for a specific job. That process can be found here: How to handle contract signs/re-signs due to pricing update
Important: Support can only process tickets originating from David Ellis' Onboarding team or from James Lee via email support ticket; i.e. if a request comes from an account manager, please have them loop in and submit the ticket according to process.
1. Product update form (ticket) will be sent directly to Support
Find the automatically generated linked CS ticket (you may need to refresh your SS ticket to see the linked ticket)
Add Components (Contractor name)
Change the Epic to EverBright Configurations
QA Assignee - Cherish Sharma
Add assignee names based on workload
Add an internal comment to config with instructions if Finance approved modified pricing rather than what was originally requested