From Support, click the create button
Enter in Bug Information
Under Project, select Sighten EverBright Application (APP)
Under Issue Type, select Bug
Under Summary, provide a very brief description of the bug, i.e. “Proposal not sharing to downstream orgs.” OR “Customer getting PRJ-001 error when trying to save a project”
Use this article to determine the priority: How do I prioritize a ticket, E1 tickets?
Under Sprint, select the current sprint (this will match the date of the MONDAY of the current week i.e. YYYY-MM-DD). Please be sure not to select a QA-prefix Sprint On Deck sprint.
Follow documentation here to set Assignee: Support - Product Points of Contact + Bug Assignment
Under Team set as follows:
Channel4News - Phases: Address, Contact, Usage, Project
Ghostbusters - Phases: Quote, Proposal, Qualification, Contract, Operations, Settings
Goonies - infrastructure
Under Description, describe the bug in more detail. Include the following information:
What account is it happening on? One user or a single user? Describe the bug
What part of the job or workflow is affected? Is it on the quote phase? Is it happening in the user setting? Let us know!
Important information to link as applicable (as many as possible):
Job url/site link
Sentry link, if an error was thrown
Fullstory link