Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Changes to the system design

  • Changes to the contract agreement/homeowner information

The HCO must be in a “signed” status before the ICO will generate.

The installer will need to update the live project to match the building set plan. The ICO task will only become available after the live project has been updated.

  1. Navigate to the Project and make the necessary adjustments before generating the ICO

  2. After updating the project, return to the Operations phase and select the ICO task

    1. Click generate

      Image RemovedImage Added

    2. A screen pops up where you can review the updated work order and compare it to the original

      1. Changes made to the project will be highlighted in blue

    3. Click generate to generate and re-attach the revised work order

  3. If a customer is attempting an installer change order and gets the following error
