New Idea Identification:Go to project: Ideas Search using several key words to identify if an idea already exists
Complete details within the ticket Enter the description Description The description has a template - all questions need to be filled out. If filling out on behalf of someone else, please ensure the original reporter is mentioned in the description.
Select the Assignee To be assigned initially based on (to CX team member)
Select the POC Business Unit To be the BU who requested the idea. Select Installer if the request came directly from a partner.
Select the Platforms Where product, design, or engineering work is required Options: Sales Platform - pertains to selling of deals in the Everbright application (address, contact, usage, project, quote, proposal, settings)
Operations Platform - pertains to processing deals in the Everbright application (qualification, contract, operations, settings)
Data Platform - pertains to data pipelines and in-app reporting
3rd Party Platforms/Vendors - pertains to tech stacks not owned by EverBright and integrations with these parties (FNI, GA, Omnidian, Google, SalesForce, etc.)
DevOps - pertains to infrastructure, cybersecurity
Integration Platform - pertains to API integration into EverBright
Link support ticket to the idea Once the idea ticket has been generated, respond in the SS ticket to the customer with the idea ticket # and close the ticket
Duplicate Idea Management - Assumes a related idea already exists. Select the similar idea Go to the insight tab Create a new insight Enter the description Enter details from the related source (support ticket, webpage, etc)
Paste link in field below (support ticket, webpage, etc)