Utility rate escalators will be changing February 21on November 15, 2023. Each state in EverBright has a default utility rate escalator that will automatically apply to any job quoted in the respective state. EverBright’s default utility rate escalators are calculated by taking the average of the annual rate change for the previous 20 years of available US Energy Information Administration EIA data (currently available through 20212022). The vast majority of active EverBright markets will see an increase in the underlying default assumption as a result of this year’s update.
If an organization is already using custom utility rate escalators – which override the default assumptions – these will remain in place and the new default utility rate escalators will not be applied.
https://20686953.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20686953/EverBright/Utility Rate Escalator Comparison 11-23.pdf
PPA proposals in some states will likely show negative savings if the default utility escalator is not overridden. Installers are able to set escalator values within our compliance rules.