Our agreement with the homeowner permits them to cancel the agreement within X number of days of signing it.
Cancellation requests can be accepted in Spanish. If the contract was generated in English, the cancellation request can still be made in Spanish.
Cancellation Process by Milestone
Milestones 1 & 2
Infinity and Infinity Partner cancellations
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
NOTE: Not all Infinity partners have -IP behind the Org name. To determine if an Org is an Infinity partner, check the contract phase. For example Inspire is a sales org, however the contractor is Infinity:
Response to the Homeowner:
We are unable to honor any cancellation request outside of the 10-business day right to cancel per your contract.
Cancellation Process by Milestone
Milestones 1 & 2
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
Both homeowners and installers can move forward with cancellation via support.
Support Agents are able to cancel M2 jobs (all products EXCEPT Direct Pay products). The agent can only cancel the job if there are NO photos uploaded to the job.
Cancellation must be completed by Everbright.
If the homeowner submits a request, notify DP and the Installer (Instructions below).
If the installer submits a cancellation request, notify the homeowner (Instructions below).
If DP submits the cancellation request, both the homeowner and installer must be notified (Instructions below).
If the customer called in or used chat - Advise the customer:
“Your notice of cancellation is not yet noted in our system. However, I’ll make a note on your account that you reached out for a status update. If you’re concerned, you may also email us your notice of cancellation at and we’ll process the cancellation.
How to handle cancellation requests from a homeowner
If M1 (M1A for Direct Pay) is NOT approved
) is NOT approved
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
Support Agents are able to cancel M2 jobs (all products EXCEPT Direct Pay products). The agent can only cancel the job if there are NO photos uploaded to the job. All other requests, the agent must send the request to Deal Processing to cancel.
Navigate to Milestone 1 in the job
Leave a private comment along with a link to the ticket and your initials:
Navigate to Milestone 1 within the Operations phase and click on the red ‘Cancel Workflow’ button:
Enter the reason for cancellation. Include details:
Homeowner/Installer/DP request
Reason - choose one of the following:
Milestone deadline expired
Homeowner opted out of going solar
Homeowner switching product, terms or financing program
Homeowner not satisfied with contract, payments or terms
Homeowner not satisfied with Installer
Installer requested to cancel
Not Disclosed
Click on the ‘Confirm’ button:
If M1 is PENDING approvalIf M1 is PENDING approval
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
The approval submission will need to be rejected first:
Reply to the homeowner in the Jira Ticket:
Thank you for letting us know you’d like to cancel your agreement. We’ve notated your account and will communicate with your installer. Please respond to this email stating whether you would like to proceed with cancellation so that we may have your request in writing. We’re sorry to lose your business and hope to see you back again one day soon.
(your name)
Send a note to the installer
Create a “Linked ticket” from the homeowner’s request to cancel-ticket.
Request type: Cancellation
Reporter: Add the email address of the Installer assigned to that homeowner’s job (click ‘ownership’ on the job in the pipeline view to see phase ownership for the job)
Request Participants: Add the email address of the salesperson assigned to the homeowner’s job
Add the installer’s org name
Description: Job Address + Engine Job URL
“Send a note to the customer” with the appropriate canned message below
If M1 has not yet been approved:
(Homeowner name) has advised EverBright that they’d like to proceed with cancellation. We’ve approved the request. Thank you!
If M1 is approvedM1 is approved
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
Support Agents are able to cancel M2 jobs (all products EXCEPT Direct Pay products). The agent can only cancel the job if there are NO photos uploaded to the job. All other requests, the agent must send the request to Deal Processing to cancel.
If M1 has already been approved, tell the customer you will notate their account with their request and will reach out to their installer to follow up with them for the next steps. Reply to the homeowner:
Thank you for letting us know you’d like to cancel your agreement. We’ve notated your account and will communicate with your installer. They will reach out to you for the next steps. Please respond to this email stating whether you would like to proceed with cancellation so that we may have your request in writing.
(your name)
If M1 has not yet been approved, send to the installer:
(Homeowner name) has advised EverBright that they’d like to proceed with cancellation. We’ve approved the request. Thank you!
If M1 has already been approved, send to the installer:
(Homeowner name) has advised EverBright that they’d like to proceed with cancellation of their agreement. Please follow up with the customer on the next steps. Thank you!
Note |
If DP has not cancelled the workflow within 3 business days (M-F 9am-6pm EST), leave an internal comment in the linked DP ticket to request a review. ALWAYS check the job on Engine to make sure it wasn’t cancelled before reaching out. |
Info |
If the installer questions these cancellations, we should tell them to put information/penalties in their HIC. We are not obligated to hold homeowners to the finance contract on the installer's behalf. |
s behalf. |
M1b - Direct Pay
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
If there has been an invoice uploaded and equipment has been ordered, the invoice would need to be paid and the cancellation request will need to be submitted for approval to DP. Once it has been approved, it can be canceled in M2.
How to handle cancellation requests from the installer
Note |
Until further notice, Infinity and Infinity IP customers can only cancel within the 10-day (business days) cancellation period on the contract. Any cancellation request outside of the 10-day period will not be honored. |
If a request came in from the installer on the homeowner’s behalf, create a linked ticket from the installer’s request.
(Installer’s name) has advised EverBright that you’d like to cancel your EverBright agreement. We’ve approved the request, however, please reach out to us ASAP if this request was sent in error and you’d like to proceed with your system. Thank you!
If the ticket comes into the software support (SS) queue, move it to the Homeowner support (EBH) queue prior to closing. Moving a Ticket to a Different Project in Jira
Navigate to the milestone within the Operations phase and leave a private comment along with a link to the ticket and your initials:
Whenever you communicate with the homeowner, please ensure the ticket is in the EBH Jira project and request type should be marked “Cancellation”. Tickets can be transferred from one project to another by following this SOP
Installer requests to restore a workflow that was previously cancelled
If an installer reaches out to restore a workflow that was cancelled at the homeowner's request, the homeowner will need to submit their approval in writing. Requests will only be accepted within 3 business days of the initial request to cancel. After that, the homeowner will need to re-sign. Reply to the homeowner in the original EBH ticket (if available), otherwise create a linked ticket from the installer’s request.
(Installer’s name) has advised EverBright that you have decided to proceed with your solar project. Please reply to this email and confirm your intent to reinstate your EverBright agreement. Thank you!
Update the ticket status to ‘Waiting for Deal Processing’
This will create a duplicate ticket in the DP queue and Deal Processing will process the request.
For the installer ticket
Request type: Cancellation
Reporter: Update to the email address of the installer assigned to that homeowner’s job (click ‘ownership’ on the job in the pipeline view to see phase ownership for the job)
Request Participants: Add the email address of the salesperson assigned to the homeowner’s job
Add the installer’s org name
Description: Job Address
“Send a note to the customer” with the canned message below:
We are contacting you to inform you that the contract for [homeowner’s name and job address] was canceled [insert comments from DP]. The homeowner has been informed, as well.
For the Homeowner's ticket
Create a linked ticket in Jira EBH in the Homeowner queue and send a note to the homeowner
Request type: Cancellation
Reporter: Add the email address of the homeowner
Add the installer’s org name
Description: Job Address
“Send a note to the customer” with the canned message below:
This email is to inform you that your solar financing agreement was cancelled. Please reach out to your installer if you have any questions.
If the ticket comes into the software support (SS) queue, move it to the Homeowner support (EBH) queue prior to closing. Moving a Ticket to a Different Project in Jira