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Starting on May 17, 2024, EverBright will begin notifying customers by email about their enrollment in a limited VPP program for select solar battery PPA customers in California. The program will officially begin on June 1, 2024, with the addition of newly eligible PTO’d customers each month until the program concludes on October 31, 2024. If customers’ batteries are activated for a VPP event, they will be eligible for a profit share which will appear as a one-time credit on a future EverBright bill.  




Can I opt out of the Virtual Power Plant (VPP) program?

[Confirm with customer that they received an email from EverBright about the VPP program]

As a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) customer, you cannot opt out of the VPP program as participation is part of your agreement. The program should not affect your energy use or ability to power your home. In fact, if your battery is activated for a VPP event, you may not even know it until you see a one-time credit on an EverBright bill after the program ends.

Why was I automatically enrolled in the VPP program?

The potential to be enrolled in this type of program is included as part of your Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). EverBright enrolls, administers, and operates the system at your home when needed for programs like this VPP. These programs are all designed to reduce your electricity costs or to support the reliability of your local electrical grid. We enrolled you automatically to make it easy for you to take part in the program and save money.

[If more is needed...]

Keep in mind, with a PPA like yours, EverBright owns, operates, and maintains the solar system on your property and sells the electricity generated by the system to you at a rate determined in your solar agreement. The PPA allows you to experience the benefits of solar power without the upfront costs of buying a system.  

[If pressed for more specifics: “Where is a VPP program located in my agreement?”...]

You will find information about the possibility of participating in a program like this within your EverBright agreement. Depending on your battery type (EverFlex Plus or PowerShift) it will be located within Section 2 or 3 (b) of the agreement.

Look for “Monitoring; Other System Use; Data” and then “Other System Uses.” You should see wording along these lines: “We may, from time to time, administer and operate the System to optimize your home’s energy production and consumption, as well as for demand response or other utility-based programs designed to reduce your electricity costs or to maintain the reliability of your local electrical grid (if available in your utility area.)”

I no longer want to share my data with this program. How can I stop sharing?  

To revoke your authorization to share data, you need to log into your utility’s customer portal / website and search for information about data sharing. You should see an option to stop sharing data.

[Only if asked... Will I be un-enrolled from the VPP program?]

Revoking authorization does not remove you from the VPP program. You’ll remain in the program until it concludes on October 31, 2024, and will still be eligible for a one-time bill credit like all other participants.

[Only if customer has trouble finding the data sharing option on their utility portal/website, please ask them to email EverBright at and then forward that customer email to Rachel Marcus at She will coordinate the removal process on the customer’s behalf.]

Is my data safe?   

EverBright prioritizes data privacy and security. That’s why we’ve partnered with Leap Connect, which has strict protocols for data protection. If interested, I could send you Leap Connect's privacy policy for more information.

Will the VPP program put someone relying on electricity for medical equipment at risk?

We understand how important reliable electricity is when you have a loved one who counts on it for medical support. However, our guidance for customers in your situation, which is also noted in your solar agreement, is that you should never rely on your solar system – even if it includes a battery – to power life support or other medical devices. The amount of power available from a battery varies depending on what’s connected to it, your energy consumption, and the battery configuration. Remember, if your battery doesn’t have available power, you will still be able to get electricity from the grid as you normally would.

Will I have energy when I need it during or after VPP events?

[If EverFix Plus customer...]

VPP programs are designed so that your battery keeps at least a 20% charge, meaning you will have a reserve of energy leftover after a VPP event until your battery has a chance to recharge. Depending on the energy needs at your home, you shouldn’t need to tap into energy from your utility any more than you might normally.

[If PowerShift customer...]

Because of the nature of your battery, it could be mostly or fully discharged during a VPP event, meaning you may need to use electricity from your utility until the battery has a chance to recharge.

Will participating in the VPP program increase my utility bill?

Taking part in a VPP should not result in your utility bill increasing. This type of program is intended to allow you to save more money, not less.

[If EverFix Plus customer...]
VPP programs are designed so that your battery keeps at least a 20% charge, meaning you will have a reserve of energy leftover after a VPP event, and you shouldn’t need to tap into energy from your utility any more than you might normally. We crunched the numbers on your potential savings and only enrolled you after making sure that you would save money in the long run.
If your utility bill seems higher than you expected, there could be other reasons for this. Let me see if I can help you figure it out. Refer to Common Homeowner Questions [savings, production, usage, and utility bills].

[If PowerShift customer...]
Because of the nature of your battery, it could be mostly or fully discharged during a VPP event, meaning you may need to use electricity from your utility until the battery has a chance to recharge. You could see a slight increase on your utility bill for the power used from the grid during this time. But the money you’ll be credited in exchange for being part of the VPP program is expected to be more than any utility bill increases you might see. Said a different way, we crunched the numbers on this program and only enrolled you after making sure that you would save money in the long run. You’ll receive a one-time credit which is expected within 120 days after the program’s conclusion on October 31, 2024.

Will I receive a notification when a VPP event happens?

You might notice a decrease in battery levels during a VPP event if your equipment manufacturer’s app provides this information. The battery will recharge normally after the event. However, most homeowners won't realize their battery has been activated until they receive a one-time credit on their EverBright bill after the program ends.
We’re just in the first year of this program. We intend to learn from it and continually make improvements. Alerts and notifications may be one of the enhancements we make in the future.

How will the bill credit work?

If you’re eligible for a bill credit as part of the VPP program, you should see it as a one-time credit on your EverBright solar bill a few months after the program ends on October 31, 2024 – likely in early 2025.

[If asked: Could I earn enough that my bill will be negative?]
We’re unable to know how much you could earn as it’s based on how often your battery is used and other factors. But hypothetically speaking, your earned bill credit could be larger than the amount you owe on your bill, giving you a negative balance which will carry over to your next bill.

[Internal example for support agents]
Using hypothetical dollars...
If a homeowner is eligible to earn a $500 bill credit, and assuming their monthly bill is $200 then following would occur:
• Jan bill: $0 (remaining credit $300)
• Feb bill: $0 (remaining credit $100)
• March bill: $100
• April bill: $200 (returns to typical bill)

When and how will I get paid for VPP participation?

A credit for VPP participation is expected to appear on your EverBright solar bill in early 2025, a few months after the program ends. The program ends on October 31, 2024, and you should see a credit on your EverBright bill in early 2025 if your battery was used and your solar account is in good standing.

How much credit can I earn from this VPP program? 

It’s hard to estimate how much you could earn because it depends on several factors, including if the battery is used during the limited program, how long you take part, and what program you are enrolled in. As one of EverBright’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) customers, you will be eligible to receive a bill credit equaling up to 50% of the net revenue of any energy generated by your system and used in the VPP.

Why haven’t I received money from my VPP participation yet?

[Verify customer was part of the VPP program. If within the 120 days after the program’s conclusion on October 31, 2024...]
Thanks for reaching out to check. If eligible, you should see a one-time credit on a future EverBright bill within 120 days after the program ends on October 31. 2024 — so you can expect this in early 2025. The evaluation of your battery usage and calculation of the net revenue share (how much credit you are owed) can take some time to process. Thank you for your patience.

[If customer account wasn’t in good standing as of October 31, 2024]
Thank you for calling and your interest in the VPP program. To be eligible to earn credit for your participation, your battery must be activated and your EverBright solar bill needs to be in good standing at the conclusion of the program. Our records show that your account was behind at the time, so you are not eligible for a VPP credit this time.

[If still delinquent]

May I help you make a payment today?

[If 120 days after the program’s conclusion on October 31, 2024, and account was in good standing...]
[Answer to be available for Support later in the year]


VPP program enrollment details

  • Runs from June 1 – October 31, 2024 – the peak period where programs like this can help support energy needs.

  • Eligible homeowners must meet the following criteria (this is a pool of about 5k+ customers at the start of the program.):

    • EverBright PPA solar customers with Powershift or EverFixed Plus battery storage systems

    • Customer of Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison or San Diego Gas & Electric.

    • The system must be PTO-approved by the first of the month preceding entry in the VPP program. This means, by May 1 for the program start date on June 1, June 1 to enter the program on July 1 and so on.

    • It’s a rolling enrollment, so newly eligible customers will be entered into the program each month through the program conclusion on October 31, 2024.

  • Exclusions include:

    • Deceased

    • In legal proceedings

    • Electriq batteries:

      • The Electriq batteries are part of another program. They have specific grid services language in their contracts and do not require additional notification. Those customers also do not receive a net revenue share, so they are not eligible for the EB program.

  • Customers have two options:

    • Option 1: Requires homeowners to take an action clicking through to a third-party site and agreeing to share utility data. This program is more regulated and therefore has the potential for the homeowner to earn a higher credit on their EverBright bill.

    • Option 2: Requires no homeowner action. EverBright will enroll customers into the program automatically. This option will be a little less lucrative for the homeowner.

    • They can’t opt out (see FAQ for messaging)

What’s the enrollment process?

  1. Eligible homeowners will receive an email from EverBright (Marketing) explaining the program, including the two options described above.

    1. Because there’s a rolling enrollment, Marketing will send an email to newly eligible customers each month, likely the first week of each month (target is on or before the 5th)

Example of EverBright email:VPP

View email sent to Customercustomers here.

  1. If the homeowner wishes to participate in Option 1 (requiring data sharing), they are prompted to do the following:

    1. Click through from the email to an EverBright-branded third party site.

      1. Note: The click-through link in the email will be custom to the homeowner and the click-through form will be automatically populated with some initial information, like the customer’s name and utility.

    2. Complete the form, filling in the requested information.

    3. Click on the “Authorize Access and Data Sharing” button

    4. The homeowner will receive a receipt confirmation email from Leap Connect

    5. No further action is needed.

Example of data-sharing form

[Insert screenshot of EB-branded Leap Connect Form]

[Insert screenshot of confirmation email from Leap Connect]
      1. Data Share 1.pngImage Added
    1. The homeowner should select their utility from the drop-down list. The utilities shown are the only utilities eligible. 

      Data share 2.pngImage Added
    2. Once the utility is selected, the Homeowner clicks on the “connect” button.

      Data share 3.pngImage Added


    3. Complete the form, filling in the requested information. (The User ID is from their Utility Account – Not their EverBright account.). Here are examples from the three participating utilities. 

      Data share 4 socal.pngImage AddedData share SDGE.pngImage AddedData share 4 pge.pngImage Added
    4. Click submit. No further action is needed. The homeowner will not receive a confirmation email.

  1. If a homeowner does not click through and agree to data sharing...

    1. They will be automatically enrolled in Option 2.

    2. No further action is needed.

How can Customer Support check to see if a customer is part of the VPP program?

  • Agents will need to check an excel spreadsheet located on SharePoint to confirm if a customer is participating in the VPP program. This list will be made available to support the day of launch (and updated each month)

  • If a homeowner doesn’t identify themselves as part of the VPP program, but they’re asking questions that imply that they might be, please check the dashboard spreadsheet to see if they’re flagged as part of the programs.

    • Example: Check dashboard before transferring to Omnidian . if you hear, “Something is going on with my battery.” “My battery is suddenly empty.”

    • Example: Check dashboard before transferring to Great America or Launch Launch if you hear, “When am I going to see a credit on my bill?” “When will I get money back?”

Thos with a SolarEdge Customers inverter will likely be able to see if their battery is involved in VPP program via their app.

  • If logged into their app, customers should see an “incentive program” tab. (see screenshots below)

  • When they click through, they can see the estimated compensation per kW

    • Important note: At the very beginning, this information may not reflect actual numbers. Shrini will work with SolarEdge AFTER we have enrolled our customers into various programs to update the $/kW value based on each program they are in. It will be customized by customer for those with Solar Edge batteries.

  • Within the SolarEdge app, customers can see if their battery is being dispatched (used) for a VPP event.


  • It's unknown if Enphase will offer something similar. Update pending. 

VPP email sent to Customer

Subject line: Notice of Program Enrollment Under EverBright Power Purchase Agreement

 Hi [FName],

 We're thrilled to inform you of an exciting program that will allow you to realize even more value from your solar and battery storage system. For a limited period of time, from MayJune to October 2024, your EverBright solar system will participate in a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) program. A feature of your Power Purchase Agreement, a VPP program allows you to earn bill credits for the energy you supply to the grid.[i]

Two options, two ways to earn:

  •  Option 1 – This program offers the potential for a higher EverBright bill credit. To participate, please follow the steps here [UNIQUE URL FOR LEAP]to securely share some basic account information from your utility.[ii] By sharing this basic data, you will authorize us to enroll you in this potentially higher-value program. Your authorization is needed by May X, 2024, to participate in Option 1.

 [Create a BUTTON] “Share and participate”: [UNIQUE URL FOR LEAP]

  • Option 2 – If you do not wish to securely share the requested utility information, you may still be able to earn a credit on your EverBright bill without having to do anything. For those who don’t complete the steps in Option 1 by May X, 2024, EverBright will automatically enroll you in Option 2, which may result in a lower bill credit than Option 1.

What is a VPP?

A VPP is a network of distributed energy resources, like the battery you have with your solar system, that work together to provide energy to the grid when it’s needed most. By participating in one of the two options above, you not only earn EverBright bill credits for the energy you supply to the grid, but you also help make your community more efficient, resilient, and sustainable.

How can you earn?

As you may already know, your Purchase Power Agreement grants EverBright the right to enroll, administer, and operate your home’s system in a VPP program. As a participant in the VPP program, you are eligible to receive a credit equaling up to 50% of the net revenue from the energy generated by your system and used in the VPP. There are no guarantees that your home’s stored energy will be needed or sold to the VPP program. If it is, the value of your EverBright bill credit will depend on whether you’re enrolled in Option 1 or Option 2. For eligible participants, this one-time credit will appear on your statement a few months after the program concludes.

A VPP is a great way for your system to work harder and smarter for you. We invite you to view our FAQs to learn more about this program and the different options. If you have any questions regarding your enrollment in this program, please reach out to us at or at (833) 830-0475.


Stay sunny,


[i] If eligible, EverBright will credit your monthly bill within 120 days after the program ends. Credit may be earned when (1) energy from your energy storage device (“battery”) is used during a VPP event, and (2) your EverBright account is current and in good standing at the conclusion of the program. Additional terms and conditions apply.

[ii] Your authorization to share your utility account, billing, and usage data is submitted through a third-party platform, by LeapFrog Power, Inc. You can revoke your authorization to share data at any time.

[Process steps to be expanded as needed - Julie Nicholas]If you have any questions not answered here, please reach out to your supervisor. The supervisor should reach out to either, or