After you create a quote (instructions on how to create a quote can be found here) and apply for credit and receive credit approval (if applicable), the down/up arrows as well as the "Send SEND E-signSIGN" link below will turn blue, which means they've been activated.
Clicking "Send SEND E-SignSIGN" will email the contract to the homeowner via DocuSign. Once "Send SEND E-SignSIGN" has been clicked, a green pop-up "Contract Sent" notification will appear and "Send SEND E-SignSIGN" will change to "Resend RESEND E-Sign.SIGN"
"Resend RESEND E-SignSIGN" can be clicked to generate a new contract that's emailed to the homeowner via DocuSign. After the contract has been signed by the homeowner and received by DocuSign, the "Resend RESEND E-SignSIGN" will change to "Jump to MilestonesJUMP TO MILESTONES" and the project is then moved to into the Ops pipeline.