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Table of Contents

If the customer record


automatically populates in Salesforce



When the interaction is received, the customer’s contact information is displayed if the account exists in Salesforce.


The interaction can be associated with the contact directly while still on the active interaction by clicking the ‘Show Contact Details’ tab


If there are multiple accounts with the same contact information, they will be displayed on the softphone and in the Salesforce instance.


Minimize the CXone window if needed and open each contact to determine which is the correct one to choose


Select the correct contact to associate the interaction to by clicking on the name of the contact


The name will populate in the dropdown list under the Name field.

If there is/will be NO case associated with the interaction, update the ‘Related To’ field with the Installer and STOP here.


Navigate back to the Softphone and change the ‘Relates To’ field with the case by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the case


You will need to actually open the case record page in order to populate the record in the Relates To field in the CXone softphone


Complete the interaction, enter disposition and notes. The task record is properly created with the ‘Name’ populated with the customer and the ‘Related To’ field populated with the case


If the contact, case or account name is incorrect, it can be modified directly from the task record by using the pencil icon next to the field you wish to edit.


The interaction (task record) is now populated on the case level


If the customer record does not


automatically populate in Salesforce


Currently for chat interactions, the customer record will not auto populate.



If the customer’s contact information is not stored in any account in Salesforce, the record will not pre-populate.

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Gather the customer information and search for the contact using the global search bar.


Sales reps that do not have an account in Salesforce will need to be associated with the installer parent account. For example: works for North Valley, however, has no contact record in salesforce. Search North Valley and use the Org to associate the interaction and STOP.

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Once the record is pulled up, click the ‘Show contact details’ button

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The ‘Relates To’ field will be populated with the Account record.


You will need to actually click inside the


account record page in order to populate the record in the contact details in the CXone softphone

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Navigate to the related contacts and select the contact record of the customer

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The contact name will then populate in the dropdown list for the ‘Name’ field.

If there is/will be NO case associated with the interaction, update the ‘Related To’ field with the Installer and STOP here.

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If there is a case associated with the interaction, select it from the ‘Cases’ tab on the account.

If a case needs to be created, first follow these steps: Creating and Assigning Cases

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Navigate back to the Softphone and change the ‘Relates To’ field (populated with the Account Name), with the case by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the case


You will need to actually open the case record page in order to populate the record in the Relates To field in the CXone softphone

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Complete the interaction, enter disposition and notes. The task record is properly created with the ‘Name’ populated with the customer and the ‘Related To’ field populated with the case


If the contact, case or account name is incorrect, it can be modified directly from the task record by using the pencil icon next to the field you wish to edit.

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The interaction (task record) is now populated on the case level

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If an Installer/Sales Rep contact record does not exist in Salesforce



If the customer’s contact information is not stored in any account in Salesforce, the record will not pre-populate.

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Gather the customer information and search for the contact using the global search bar.


Search for the contact by name, phone number, or email address stored in Engine to locate the record.

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If the record exists, relate the contact per these steps and STOP

If NO record exists, proceed below to create a new one

Navigate to the account associated with the customer by searching for the Org in the global search bar.

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From the account home page, click on the ‘Related Contacts’ object and then click ‘New Contact’


Use this opportunity to do a final search in the related contacts to ensure the user does not exist.

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Click on ‘Installer Contact’


Agents will never create a homeowner contact unless it is to add an authorized signer to an existing account.

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Navigate to the customer’s profile in Engine under User Settings.

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Enter the contact information in Salesforce exactly how it appears under the Details section for the user.

Only enter the information that is stored in Engine, regardless of what phone number and email address the customer provides.

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Once the record is pulled up, click the ‘Show contact details’ button

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Once the new contact is created, the ‘Name’ field dropdown will be populated with the Contact record.


You will need to actually click inside the contact record page in order to populate the record in the contact details in the CXone softphone

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If there is/will be NO case associated with the interaction, update the ‘Related To’ field with the Org

Navigate to the Account (Org) associated with the contact record and click to open it

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The Account (Org) name will then populate in the dropdown list for the ‘Relates to’ field.

and STOP here.

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If there is a case associated with the interaction, select it from the ‘Cases’ tab on the account.

If a case needs to be created, first follow these steps: Creating and Assigning Cases


Confirm that there are no existing open cases for the same issue before creating a new one.


Navigate back to the Softphone and change the ‘Relates To’ field (populated with the Account Name), with the case by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the case


You will need to actually open the case record page in order to populate the record in the Relates To field in the CXone softphone


Complete the interaction, enter disposition and notes. The task record is properly created with the ‘Name’ populated with the customer and the ‘Related To’ field populated with the case


If the contact, case or account name is incorrect, it can be modified directly from the task record by using the pencil icon next to the field you wish to edit.


The interaction (task record) is now populated on the case level


Associating more than one contact to a task record


In instances where both an installer/sales rep and a homeowner need to be associated with an interaction, follow these steps. Examples include - complaints, cancellations, and fraud



Navigate to the task record and click the pencil icon to edit the Name field


Search the Name of the account you wish to add to the field (installer associated with the case or interaction)


Once both contacts have been added, click the Save button


The interaction is now associated with the installer, the homeowner and the case.
