Background: We may encounter scenarios where installers are not replying to homeowner’s or support staff calls/e-mails.
Step | Action |
1 | | Info |
Include phone number and best time to reach the homeowner |
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3 | | Info |
Make sure to include the proper case closure comments prior closing the case |
If the Homeowner has not heard from the installer in 2 days: |
1 | | Info |
Assign to Sales Referral Reason: Unresponsive Installer Referral Comments: Provide short description of the issue Populate the AM and Sales Manager Fields
Expand |
title | Locating the AM and Sales Manager |
| Navigate to the homeowner’s account page and click on the Parent Account (Org) Image AddedThe AM and the Sales Manager are located on the details page: Image Added |
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Step | Action | |
1 | | Note |
DO NOT add the Homeowner in the “CC” Field for Concert/Beam Customers |
2 | | Info |
We must generate this commitment once a week (This means that we will need to update the Homeowner once a week until we get an update or resolution from Green Tech Renewables. |