Background: A milestone deadline is coming up or is expired and an installer is requesting an extension. The installer will have a message with a yellow banner (if approaching) or red (if expired).
Action | Script |
| 'Hello, The credit qualification is expired; therefore, we are unable to grant a milestone extension for M1. To proceed, you will need to re-run credit, create a new quote and contract, and complete all milestone tasks per the new workflow inclusive of the welcome call. Regards,' |
Info |
If the previous contract was generated using expired pricing, the installer will have to requote with updated pricing. |
No M2 extensions will be granted. This will impact all current and future workflows. Any workflow that is past the 270-day deadline will be canceled. To continue, the customer will need to rerun credit, requote using updated pricing, and sign a new agreement.
IF | Action |
If a Sales rep is requesting an M2 extension |
If an Installer is requesting an M2 extension |
If an Account Manager is requesting an extension of M2 |