Background: We may encounter scenarios where installers are not replying to homeowner’s or support staff calls/e-mails and/or other variant complaints such as being rude.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
The solar system is not connected (PTO-related issues)
The system is missing a piece of equipment.
Indication of damage to the home or system
The customer states that the installer was rude (yelling, inappropriate language, etc.)
Allegations of vulgar activities at customer’s property
Installer Complaint Escalations:
Back Office Team Procedure:
Step | Action |
1 | ) | Info |
Include phone number and best time to reach the homeowner |
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Make sure to include the proper case closure comments prior closing the case |
If the Homeowner has not heard from the installer in 2 days: |
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Navigate to the homeowner’s account page and click on the Parent Account (Org)Assign to Sales Referral Reason: Unresponsive Installer Referral Comments: Provide short description of the issue Populate the AM and Sales Manager Fields
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title | Locating the AM and Sales Manager |
| Image RemovedThe AM and the Sales Manager are located on the details page: Image Removed |
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Back Office procedure For Concert/Beam Customers:
Step | Action | |
1 | ) | Note |
DO NOT add the Homeowner in the “CC” Field for Concert/Beam Customers |
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We must generate this commitment once a week (This means that we will need to update the Homeowner once a week until we get an update or resolution from Green Tech Renewables.a commitment Emsail with the Homeowner 1 week after initial Email |