Background: There may be situations in which a homeowner reports damage to their personal property, such as their roof, home, or vehicle. this SOP will help us understand how to handle effectively these scenarios specifying actions required Pre-M3 and Post-M3 for both RIC and PPA products.
Assisting a Homeowner with a Property Damage Claim (RIC):
Agent will facilitate communications between the homeowner and the Installer to resolve the concern:
Milestone Status | IF | Then |
Pre-M3 | | Create a Case in SalesForce Customer Request Type: Installer Complaint SubType: Select the most appropriate option based on the complaint type Case Description: Provide a detailed description of the issue based on the information previously gathered
Confirm that the case is Related to the Installer and the Homeowner Reassign the case to the back-office queue (If request comes in from chat/phone) Back Office team will own the rest of the process based on the following instructions (Click Here)
Post-M3 | | Create a Case in SalesForce Customer Request Type: Installer Complaint Confirm that the case is Related to the Installer and the Homeowner Reassign the case to the back-office queue (If request comes in from chat/phone) Back Office team will own the rest of the process based on the following instructions (Click Here)
| “For system maintenance or production issues, please refer to your contract package for details about your manufacturer and installer warranties” |
Assisting a Homeowner with a Property Damage Claim (PPA) :
Agent will facilitate communications between the homeowner and the Installer or Omnidian to resolve the concern:
Milestone Status | IF | Then |
Pre-M3 | | Create a Case in SalesForce Customer Request Type: Installer Complaint Confirm that the case is Related to the Installer and the Homeowner Reassign the case to the back-office queue (If request comes in from chat/phone) Back Office team will own the rest of the process based on the following instructions (Click Here)
Post-M3 | | IF PPA: Refer the customer with our Service Department (Omnidian) Provide our Service Department’s information and warm transfer to them Provide our Service Departments Information
NOTE: Omnidian will facilitate communication between the homeowner and the installer. If the customer states that they have already spoken with Omnidian, or Omnidian transfers them to us, we must (As part of the O&M process)
Step | Action |
1 | Provide a detailed description of the issue based on the case related with this HO’s concern | Info |
Include homeowner name, address and phone number |
Hello, Mutual Customer, _____, at address, _________, reached out with a concern of ______. We would like your assistance in receiving a response or update regarding this complaint along with the below questions. They can be reached at _____. Do you have recent communications with the homeowner? What does that look like? Have you addressed or contacted the homeowner about this specific concern? If not, why? If so, what updates can you provide How do you plan to make this right for the homeowner? Or if you do not feel they need to, can you provide details on why along with any documentation? (Insert any other specific homeowner related concern question)
Thank you, (Agent name) |
2 | |
3 | | Info |
Make sure to include the proper case closure comments prior closing the case |
If the Homeowner has not heard from the installer in 2 days: |
1 | | Referral Comment Template: The installer has been unresponsive in our outreach attempts to resolve the homeowners concern of ______. We would like your assistance in receiving a response or update from the installer regarding: Do they have recent communications with the homeowner? What does that look like? Have they addressed or contacted the homeowner about this specific concern? If not, why? If so, what updates can they provide How do they plan to make this right for the homeowner? Or if they do not feel they need to, can they provide details on why along with any documentation? (Insert any other specific homeowner related concern question)
Thank you, (Agent name) |
2 | |
Step | Action | |
1 | Provide a detailed description of the issue | Note |
DO NOT add the Homeowner in the “CC” Field |
2 | | Info |
We must generate a commitment Email with the Homeowner 1 week after initial Email |