Background The revenue protection department is responsible for managing and safeguarding the company’s financial interests by addressing various billing and payment issues, particularly those related to delinquencies and non-payment scenarios
Step | Action |
1 | | Email homeowner to request 12 months of utility bills Create a case in Salesforce Request Type: Billing and Payments: Payment Modifications Case Description: Note all pertinent information from the homeowner and the reason they are requesting the deferment or pause. Login into the homeowner's portal to screenshot their system monitoring/production.
Escalate to a Lead Res for Savings Review Go to Step 2
2 | | If RIC: Advise customer of the results of the savings analysis, if the system seems to be underproducing, remind them that they have manufacture warranties on maintenance is within the homeowners scope of work.
If PPA: |
3 | | Create a Case Assignment for O&M amd Request the following information: How long as the system been down? Why is the system not producing? Is this due to delays from the homeowner, installer or Omnidian? What is the ETA for resolution (if applicable)?
Once answers are provided, go to Step 4
4 | Unresponsive to attempts from Omnidian/Installer/System medding, Internet Connection) | Info |
Hello (homeowner name), The review of your payment (deferment/pause) request has been completed. Our service team has advised they have been trying to notify and resolve this issue with you since ___. Due to this, we are unable to approve your request for payment modification. However, we do want your system to be operational, so please confirm your best contact information so we can tell our service team. Thank you |
4 | | 0-3 Months Create a Case Assignment for Lead Res Lead Res Reviews, decisions and informs agent to tell customer (see message below) Tag Cassie for Gift Card
Up to 3 Months Create a Case Assignment for Supervisor Supervisor Reviews, decisions and informs agent to tell customer (see message below) Tag Cassie for Gift Card
Reply to the homeowner with the following: Info |
Hello (homeowner name), The review of your payment (deferment/pause) request has been completed. We are pleased to inform you that we can offer a giftcard for X months you were confirmed not producing. The giftcard can be redeemed at over 200 shops and will emailed to you within 5 business days. In addition to this giftcard, you also have your PPA Production Guarantee that will credit you every 2 years if you are underproducing. Thank you |
Payment Reinstatement Request (M3 Approved)
Step | Action |
1 | | All Add all pertinent information from the homeowner and the reason they are requesting to resume payments |
2 | | Info |
Hello (customer name), We have noted your concerns and request for resuming payments. Unfortunately, we are unable to approve your request until fully approved and should remain paused/deferred. Thank you |
Account Disposal Request (M3 Approved)