Versions Compared


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Handled by: Software Support Team

Background: A block on the usage phase will be placed on 11/7 to stop sales reps from inputting a yearly usage larger than 50,000 kWh. These jobs will require support to review the homeowner's utility bill to verify the real usage before updating the usage phase to allow yearly usage to be higher than 50,000 kWh.


Do NOT mention to the Sales Rep/Installer what the kWh limit amount is






  • Sales Representative/ Installer will try to quote a project with an annual usage above 50,000 kWh. However, the system will block it by showing the following error:

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“Error USG-036: The entered usage information is outside of an allowable range”


  • Have the sales rep/ Installer upload the homeowner's utility bill

from Make sure
  • that covers the last 3 months, at a minimum, through the documents side menu.

InfoIf the Homeowner

Validate that the most recent utility bill is for a billing period within the past 31 days

  • If there is just 1 Utility Bill, but it reflects the last 3 monthly Usage then we will accept it

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An exception can be made only if the customer has not lived in the residence for 3

Billing periods, we will accept just 1 Bill as an exception

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Has the Utility Bill

billing periods. If so; we will ask for at least 1 utility bill (The most recent one)


  • Have the Utility Bills been uploaded?



  • Notify the Sales Rep/ Installer that the only way to proceed with a project when the Historical usage exceeds the limit is by providing the homeowner’s utility bill from the last 3 months, at minimum

  • to reflect that usage.


Do NOT mention to the Sales Rep/Installer what the


limit amount is


  • If the Utility Bill has been uploaded, then

  • click the 3 dots next to the uploaded utility bill

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  • Click on “Download

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  • Once you open the Utility bill, locate the Historical Usage (kWh)

Verify the following information in the Utility Bill:

  • Name

    • (It needs to match the one in the job)

  • Address

kwh InfoNotice this utility bill shows the kWh and bill for October and September. Make sure you use all provided information on the utility bill when reviewing the usage phase.
  • and Zip Code

    • (It needs to match the one in the job

  • kWh for the Month

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    • (We will need this to confirm if the kWh showed in the utility bill is matching the one registered by the Sales Rep in the Usage Phase)

  • Rate Schedule

    • If the “Rate Schedule” is not matching we will need to educate the Sales Rep to update it in the Usage Phase in order to match

  • Utility Company:

    • The Utility Company’s Name in the Utility Bill should match the Utility Company’s Name listed in the Usage Phase

  • Utility Bill Status:

    • The Utility bills have to be the most recent utility bills and it should cover the last 3 months at a minimum and it should have a due date within the past 31 days

      • Reminder: An exception can be made only if the customer has not lived in the residence for 3 billing periods, if so; we will accept at least 1 utility bill (The most recent one)

(Click to see how to verify information from the Utility Bill)


  • Go to the Usage Phase

and navigate to the Annual Usage Graph and make sure that all
  • Click on “Manage Usage Profile

    • Then click on the 3 dots next to the drop down menu and select “Duplicate

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  • From the Duplicated profile: Select the “Monthly Usage” Option from the “Edit Usage By” Drop down menu

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  • Verify if All months provided on the utility bills match the values entered on the Usage Phase

under the “Historical Usage”Click

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  • If they give us utility bills for January, February and March; then we go to Engine and confirm if the value entered for each of these months are showing the same value

  • If a utility bill’s period is split between 2 different months, we will verify the value of the month with the greatest number of days

    • Example: If the Utility Bill shows a period between January and February, we will verify the value entered for January since it has more days than february

  • If the value matches go to step 7

  • If the value is not matching enter the value from the utility bill into the corresponding box

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  • Click on Apply Changes


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Do NOT compare with the Historical Cost, Use the “Historical Usage

Did the entered values auto populate?

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  • Is the Error “USG-036” coming up after clicking “Apply Changes?


  • That means that the annual usage is under the 50k cap.

    • Let the Sales Representative/ Installer know that this will be the value that they will have to move forward with. 


  • Go to

  • step 8



  • Click the Job Summary icon

(reference same steps from Step 8)
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  • Scroll down to the Support section and click the “Update Usage Limit” button

Update Usage Limits to 70,000 kWh to make sure that the values go through without receiving Error USG-036.

  • Once you update the usage limit Click on “Apply Changes

  • Go

  • to

the beginning of Step 6.
  • Step 9

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Remember that the Usage Limit will have to be lowered later

on Step 8






Let the sales rep/ Installer know that they will have to update the Historical Usage to match what is showing on the Utility Bill.


Does the monthly utility value entered in the usage phase match what is shown on the utility bill?

  • Update the Usage Limit in line with what the new annual total is based on the values generated in the previous step 8

  • Click the Job Summary icon

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  • Scroll down to the Support section and click the “Update Usage Limit” button

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  • Update the usage limit ONLY by referencing the Total Amount that the Usage Phase was showing up

  • Finally; Click on “Update

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Please note the limit cannot be updated to 100,000 kWh or beyond

NoteAnd Remember: Do NOT mention to the Sales Rep/Installer what the kWh limit amount is

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  • Click “Update

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  • Then go to the “Profile Name” Drop down menu and select the original profile

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  • Go down to the “Annual Usage” and enter the new total annual value

    • Then click on Apply Changes

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  • Go back to the drop-down menu and select the (copy) profile and “Archive

    • Then; Stop

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How to verify information from Utility Bills:





Homeowner’s Name

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Address & Zip Code

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kWh for the Month

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Rate Schedule

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Utility’s Company Name

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Bill Status (Billing Period)

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Homeowner’s Name

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Address & Zip Code

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kWh for the Month

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Rate Schedule

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Utility’s Company Name

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Bill Status (Billing Period)

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titleGreen Mountain

Green Mountain

Engine might Show this Utility as “Oncor”. However Green Mountain is part of Oncor



Homeowner’s Name

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Address & Zip Code

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kWh for the Month

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Rate Schedule

Utility’s Company Name

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Bill Status (Billing Period)

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titleComEd (Commonwealth Edison)

ComEd (Commonwealth Edison)



Homeowner’s Name

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Address & Zip Code

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kWh for the Month

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Rate Schedule

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Utility’s Company Name

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Bill Status (Billing Period)

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Homeowner’s Name

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Address & Zip Code

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kWh for the Month

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Rate Schedule

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Utility’s Company Name

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Bill Status (Billing Period)

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