Background: HIS Licenses (Home Improvement Salesperson) licenses are required in certain states for sales representatives to legally contract solar projects. It is essential to verify that these licenses are accurate and properly reflected in our contracts.
Table of Content:
How to Verify the status of the HIS Number and License
California - (Change Orders (HCO/NCCO/ICO) - HIS rejections
Step | Action |
1 | |  |
2 | |  |
3 | Click on “Start” Then click on “Add”
4 | | 
5 | |  
6 | If the License Number is “ACTIVE” |
Expand |
| Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-check_mark |
panelIcon | :check_mark: |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
| Close the Pop-pop box and click “Add”  |
Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-check_mark |
panelIcon | :check_mark: |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
| Then Change the “Status” to “Active” and Choose Today’s date Below  |
Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-check_mark |
panelIcon | :check_mark: |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
| Finally, Click on “Close and Save”  |
If License Number is “INACTIVE” or “LAPSED” |
Expand |
| Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-check_mark |
panelIcon | :check_mark: |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
| Reject the ticket and notify the installer that the sales representative does not have an active HIS License to link |
Step | Action |
1 | |  |
2 | | (Click Here) |
3 | |  |
4 | Info |
If the MD HIS license is found, this means the license number is “active” as the search does not show inactive licenses Confirm the name on the license matches the salesperson’s name on contract Confirm the “Reg. #” matches the license number on contract There may be multiple companies the salesperson is affiliated with
 If the MD HIS license is not found, the next page will state “No names were found matching your entry” and the NCCO task will need to be rejected and the installer will need to update the salesperson on the contract to a salesperson with a valid MD HIS license  |