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How to process a financial product requests from a customer. Below are the different types of financial requests and how they should be handled.



New Non-Integrated Financial Products

  • Requirements
    • Do they have a Premium or Pro subscription?  Only Premium and Pro accounts


2. Asking to add an integrated product

  • Renew will respond to the ticket with the contractor ID

3. Make a CS ticket 

  • The CS tick should look similar to this - CS-2363.
    • Assignee = Vlad
    • Epic = Renew Financial Configurations
    • Place contractor ID in the description of ticket
    • Copy the products the contractor would like to Quote from the support ticket
    • Copy the name of the installer into the description of the ticket. 
  • Instructions on how to make a linked CS ticket from Support are /wiki/spaces/SS/pages/111116328.

4. Account is configured

5. Support will respond account and let them know the products are live

  • Support team will receive notice ticket is in UAT.
  • Support will send customer email below and assist in setting up a time for training.


{Account Manager},


Renew Financial's Products are Live in your Sighten account!


Hi {Customer},

Congrats, the Renew's products are is now live in your account!

[Here|] are some training materials on how to best quote Renew in Sighten. Please fell free schedule a time with your account manager, {Account manager name}, to receive additional training on how to best quote the new product. Here is a {[link|account manager calendar link]} to his calendar. 

Please let us know if you have any follow up questions and have a great day!


    • can request non-integrated financing
    • Can we accommodate the product? We can model many financial products, but we cannot non-integrated PACE products. We can model leases, PPA's, pre-paid PPA's and many different types of loans.
    • Do we have the information required to model the product? If it is a new product, ideally we will receive a rate sheet from the customer containing the product information. In lieu of a rate sheet, they will need to provide us with this information.
    • Do we know which products they want to quote?  We can configure as many products a customer can quote, but to expedite the process they should specify the products they want quoted if they give us a rate sheet.
  • If the requirements have not been met:
    • If they are a Basic account, let them know that is not eligible on their subscription plan, but they can contact their account manager if they are interested in an upgrade.
    • If the requester wants a non-integrated PACE product, let them know we offer integrated  PACE Funding, Renew, and soon Ygene, but we cannot model PACE products.
    • If they do not have a rate sheet ask them to provide one, if they cannot provide it send them this article so we can get the information we need in order to model the product.
    • If they provide a full rate sheet, but did not specify the products, ask them to specify the products they would like to quote, explaining it will expedite the process.
  • After verifying the requirements have been fulfilled, please create a CS ticket. Instructions on how to create the ticket here and instructions on the assignee here.  Always ask if they want dealer fees included, if not previously specified.
  • Once the ticket is UAT (you can see ticket status under linked issues) communicate to the customer their request has been fulfilled and close the ticket.

2. Modifying Non-Integrated Financial Products

  • Requirements
    • Is the product an integrated finance product (Sunlight, Lifestyle, HDMC, PACE)?  All of those changes need to come through the financier.  If they are Renew, they can request to add a new product.  If they are LoanPal, they can quote integrated LoanPal and non-integrated LoanPal.  To determine which they are requesting, ask if run credit for LoanPal in Sighten.
    • Is this an update or a new product? We can update dealer fees, but updating APR, contract-term or adding a promotional period might require a new product.  
  • If the requirements have not been met:
    • If they are requesting a Sunlight, product update refer them to Sunlight using this process.
    • If they are requesting updates to HDMC, Lifestyle, or PACE Funding please refer them to their support so they can discuss their pricing. Contact information can be found here.
    • If the requester wants to update their Renew product, the configuration team can determine if one is possible through the API. If a customer wants to update their fees on LoanPal, this can be done on both integrated and non-integrated products.
    • If they do not have a rate sheet ask them to provide one, if they cannot provide it send them this article so we can get the information we need in order to model the product.
    • If they are asking for an edit, when it really should be a new product, please revert to collecting the information outlined above.
  • After verifying the requirements have been fulfilled, please create a CS ticket. Instructions on how to create the ticket here and instructions on the assignee here.  Always ask if they want dealer fees included, if not previously specified.
  • Once the ticket is UAT (you can see ticket status under linked issues) communicate to the customer their request has been fulfilled and close the ticket.