In addition to updating jobs manually, the Organization Settings Admin can also setup automations around updating dispositions. These are called transitionsTransitions. As certain events (contract signed, credit approved, milestone rejected, etc) happen naturally through the workflow of a job, transitions can be setup to automatically change update the disposition of a job to a disposition that would best fit the new status of the job. There are a number of
Here are the events that can be utilized for automation:
- When utilizing the Contract Status Change, you may want to specify a status of 'Signed', and thus the transition will only occur when there is a signed contract.
- When utilizing the Qualification Update, you will be required to specify Credit, Title or Property as well as a status. Most likely, you will create a new disposition: Credit Approved, and then setup a Qualification Update for Credit that has a status: 'Approved'.
- When utilizing the Milestone Status Change, you can specify whether the automated disposition transition occurs whenever any milestone has status 'Approved' or when a specific milestone has status 'Approved'.
When you create an a transition, certain fields will be disabled; you will only need to enter information in the enabled fields, and specify the start and end disposition. As you enter information, sentences will form to explain in plain english how the automated transition will function.