The post installation usage = 1950 kWh
Related Information
Basic home information:
size – square footage
number of stories
number of occupants
times mostly occupied (e.g., evenings/weekends)
vacation times – monthly, seasonally, annually
insulation level
window pane information
EV information
make and model
miles driven per day
Natural gas consumption (if applicable) – therms
Applicable energy efficiency incentives to be included in savings projections
Note: not all EnergyStar datasets contain information about the american standard of consumption/usage.
Calculation Methods
For each hour at a specific location, we want to estimate how much energy is used by the homeowner for an equipment type. Then we want to estimate the reduction in usage the homeowner would see from upgrading their equipment.
Typical Load Breakdown
Get the typical hourly shape of usage by type (AC, Heating, Lighting, etc.) as a percentage of all usage
Explore other datasets (PSM3/NSRB??)
What are the exact equipment/usage categories we need?
This dataset might not have them
If they dont we need to find typical profiles somewhere else or generate them ourselves
Store data in Solar DB for each station
Equipment Specific Reduction
Get estimated % reduction in equipment type specific usage from upgrading to specific equipment (i.e. A typical older model uses 1250kWh/yr and with the LG 2018 29.7 Cu Ft fridge you would now use 500kWh/yr, so the reduction for that piece of equipment is 60%.
Example entries
ENERGY STAR Unique ID | Brand Name | Model Number | Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr) | US Federal Standard (kWh/yr) | % Better than US Federal Standard (kWh/yr) | Energy Factor (EF) |
2253929 | Beko | DUT28430* | 225 | 307 | 27 | |
2302468 | Bertazzoni | DW18PR | 234 | 307 | 24 |
Use % Better than US Federal Standard (kWh/yr) (or Energy Factor?)
Stored on Equipment with other data in django on Efficiency Equipment model (webapp.apps.equipment.models)
Allows us to calculate the new category specific usage by scaling the 8760 category-specific usage profile using the % reduction from the typical equipment.
Similarly, we will store the usage amount, so we have more flexibility to alter out baseline, etc. in our calculations
Required Inputs:
8760 usage profile
Energy efficient product
Homeowner persona