Get the typical hourly shape of usage by type (AC, Heating, Lighting, etc.) as a percentage of all usage
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What are the exact equipment/usage categories we need?
This dataset might not have them
If they dont we need to find typical profiles somewhere else or generate them ourselves
Store data in Solar DB for each station
Get estimated % reduction in equipment type specific usage from upgrading to specific equipment (i.e. A typical older model uses 1250kWh/yr and with the LG 2018 29.7 Cu Ft fridge you would now use 500kWh/yr, so the reduction for that piece of equipment is 60%.
Example entries
ENERGY STAR Unique ID | Brand Name | Model Number | Annual Energy Use (kWh/yr) | US Federal Standard (kWh/yr) | % Better than US Federal Standard (kWh/yr) | Energy Factor (EF) |
2253929 | Beko | DUT28430* | 225 | 307 | 27 | |
2302468 | Bertazzoni | DW18PR | 234 | 307 | 24 |
Total Offset Usage = Usage + Consumption - Solar System Production - EE Product Reduction
Usage: Genability + Manual Inputs
Solar system product: Production calculator or PVWatts
EE Products: Typical Usage pulled by region from EIA.gov data source
Water Heaters
Other EE Products:
Not Implementing:
Misc - the usage of miscellaneous products explicitly: TVs, Microwaves, Cell Phones, etc will not be reduced by specific items. It will be reduced by impacts to the overall usage curve, such as roofing and windows.
Product Selection
Windows - Manual override for % or kWh reduction
Roofing - Manual override for % or kWh reduction
HVAC - Manual override for % or kWh reduction
For upgrade to LEDs, 90% decrease in usage for indoor and outdoor lighting
For upgrade to CFLs, 70% decrease in usage for indoor and outdoor
Appliances - Manual override for % or kWh reduction
Selected appliances only reduce the average usage of that specific appliance type, within the full category/8760 of appliances
Water Heaters - Manual override for % or kWh reduction
Calculate average typical usage of selected equipment from stored data to get 8760 profile for selected EE product, for each selected EE product
Calculate reduction using 8760 profile of EE product
A specific model gives the ‘precise’ reduction
A manufacturer allows us to calculate based on the average of all EE products for that specific manufacturer of a specific product type
A manual override is factored in directly as input, given the persona
Apply reduction based on % or kWh
Calculate 8760 usage profile post installation
Calculate daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly usage profiles
Calculate bill savings, usage savings, incentives, etc.
Advanced Calculations - for future consideration
Windows - default % reduction based on climate, window U-factor
Consider number of rooms, square footage, construction year
Roofing - default % reduction based on climate, existing roof: solar absorption and emissivity
Consider number of rooms, square footage, construction year, to set defaults
HVAC - default % reduction based on climate,
Requires primary energy consumption input: gas or electric
Consider number of rooms, square footage, construction year, heating source (furnace, boiler, heat pump), heating type (forced air, steam radiant, radiant heating, hot water base boards, electric baseboards), seasonality, heating / cooling source, persona
Consider number of rooms, square footage, construction year, indoor vs outdoor, persona
Selected appliances only reduce the average usage of that specific appliance type, within the full category/8760 of appliances
Consider number of rooms, square footage, construction year, persona