- Costs by project type: cost adders can now be classified by project type: solar, energy efficiency (EE), or storage. Project type classification affects how adders are displayed in the quote summary and can be used to impact solar-only incentive calculations.
- Contract signing status tracking: contract signing is a pivotal point in the process for contractors and we want to ensure full control & transparency around the signing process. You can now use the quote tile to access a signing details modal where you can designate who to send the contract package to and the ordering of signers, view the signer and co-signer status, and see the list of documents in contract package.
- API: our V1 API documents are now live! V0 documents are still accessible and have content updates and improvements. V1 API documentation will automatically reflect updates to APIs, ensuring API users access to the most up to date documentationProposal "Cost Breakdown" improvements: the "Cost Breakdown" section included in Sighten's full proposal now excludes the line item ongoing interest & fees.
- Reporting: see Sighten Metrics - Ongoing Updates.
- Pipelines: deals in the ops workflow have been updated to no longer show in the sales pipeline.