How to process a document change request from a customer. Below are the different types of document requests and how they should be handled.
1. A Basic subsciption customer or exclusive installer wants their current contract template
Please refer to this article for differences in policy for EB free accounts vs. legacy paid subscribers: How to check SalesForce for EB status prior to processing Doc and Finance tickets
Document Edits and Updates
Customer should submit this request by typeform. The SS ticket will be created automatically and have the subject: "Document Survey: <Org Name>" It will look something like this:
2. Check requirements/update ticket info:
Hi {Customer},
Congrats, the Renew's products are is now live in your account!
[Here|] are some training materials on how to best quote Renew in Sighten. Please fell free schedule a time with your account manager, {Account manager name}, to receive additional training on how to best quote the new product. Here is a {[link|account manager calendar link]} to his calendar.
Please let us know if you have any follow up questions and have a great day!
Update the ticket's Reporter (person submitting the request), Organization (upstream org of person submitting), and Request type (company specific data change)
First check: Are they a free EverBright account? Or if a paying subscriber, do they have a Premium or Pro subscription
? Only Premium and Pro accounts can customize their contract.- The email is generated when a Sighten partner is approved to sell Renew
- The body of the email should confirm the Renew products the customer would like to quote.
- Daniel Etra ( should appear as a requester in the email
- The ticket will look something like this:
2. A Premium or Pro customer wants to edit their current contract
- Renew will respond to the ticket with the contractor ID
3. Make a CS ticket
- The CS tick should look similar to this - CS-2363.
- Assignee = Vlad
- Epic = Renew Financial Configurations
- Place contractor ID in the description of ticket
- Copy the products the contractor would like to Quote from the support ticket
- Copy the name of the installer into the description of the ticket.
- Instructions on how to make a linked CS ticket from Support are /wiki/spaces/SS/pages/111116328.
4. Account is configured
- Vladimir Ivanovic (Unlicensed) will configure an account with Renew products according to the instructions here.
- Marko Spasic will QA account and move into UAT when done. The assignee will be the reporter of ticket
5. Support will respond account and let them know the products are live
- Support team will receive notice ticket is in UAT.
- Support will send customer email below and assist in setting up a time for training.
{Account Manager},
Renew Financial's Products are Live in your Sighten account!
? If yes, then proceed
Are they adding multiple documents or one document? Proceed for free EverBright Users; Paying Premium subscriber accounts are only allowed to have one document.
Is the person requesting an org admin/manager for the upstream customer? Only requestors with those permissions can add financing
2. If the requirements have not been met:
Follow up with the customer to get clarification on each point needed or let them know the requirements/issue and next step
Use a canned email templates depending upon the need - use the SS field “Canned Responses” to select the appropriate one, or craft your own if the situation calls for it
Once all information has been gathered, or issues cleared up - proceed to the next step
3.) If the requirements have been met, please create a CS ticket.
Use the automated CS ticket feature selecting "Docs" from the Needs Configuration field
Then open the CS ticket and selected assignees (refer to CS workload dashboard and select based on who has fewest tickets assigned to them), and update the Component field with the company name
If the customer has provided any additional information, add it to the internal comments on the CS ticket
The automatic creation of the CS ticket will send an initial request to the customer
Make sure the SS ticket is in the Workflow status in "Needs Configuration".
Once Configuration is done there are two possible workflows:
The customer does not want to test the document on Onboard, so CS publishes it on Engine.
Jira will automatically communicate to the customer that their request has been fulfilled.
If you don't hear back from the customer within 24 hours, close the ticket.
If the customer would like to test the document on Onboard before it goes live on Engine, the CS ticket will be placed in "On Hold" status when it is ready to be tested.
Support sends the customer the canned response email template Onboard: Doc ready to test - first email Email Templates for Common Requests (Canned Responses)
The customer should confirm within 3 days that the document is ready for production.
If they confirm it is ready, convey the comment in the internal notes of the CS ticket and move the workflow status to “ToDo”
If they respond that there's an error or they have additional edits, convey these comments to the CS team on the CS ticket, internal comments, place the ticket back in "ToDo" status. Repeat steps until the customer confirms the document looks good.
If they don't respond in 3 days, send them nudge using using the canned response template Onboard: Doc ready to test - second email
After one more day, comment on the CS ticket that they should put the document onto Engine. CS publishes it on Engine - (Follow the steps in part 1).
On Mondays, for all customers with an outstanding Onboarding task, send the canned response email template called Onboard Reset - Release tonight
Releases are now done weekly and Onboard gets reset Monday nights. Their document would become unavailable for review.
Code Block |
select,, uo.organization_type,
from user_customuser ucu
inner join user_organization uo on = ucu.owned_by_organization_id
inner join user_organization uo2 on = uo.customer_partner_id
where like '%{email of requester}%'
order by |