Genability's Dash can provide great information on a customer's pre and post-solar usage and savings; however, their search functionality can leave something to be desired. With this workaround, you can easily navigate the savings analysis for a particular site.
Get Site ID
- Get the site ID in Sighten
Login to Genability
- Login to Genability (credentials are in LastPass)
Enter URL
- Enter site url into a new tab with the site ID
- url - Paste this link into your browser and replace the {Site-ID} section with the site UUID you are looking to find information for{site_uuid}/
Retrieve the Genability Profile ID
- Copy the Genability profile ID (it appears on the left)
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- Paste it into the url. It should follow this format -{genability_profile_id}/
- Done! You will now have access to the savings analysis!Site-ID}/switch/analyze. Then click enter.
- Log into Genability when prompted if you are not logged in already.
- Once you are logged into the site, specific savings information should appear.
- Click summary to view the estimated annual breakdown calculated from the site associated with the UUID you input into the previous URL.
- By clicking 'History' you will be able to see a breakdown of any changes made to the usage phase for the particular site you input the site UUID.
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{"serverDuration": 243, "requestCorrelationId": "2e9c61c8e8ad4ae79ad5b6f8ad4f3dca"}