Project → EverBright Homeowner Support
Type → Welcome CallSummary
→ Inbound Ticket Naming Convention (Summary): Inbound/Outbound Welcome Call - [Installer Company Org Name ] - [ Homeowner Name ]+ Co-applicant name (If needed).
Description: Job Address
Assignee → yourself
Reporter → you can leave as yourself for now
Summary Description → The welcome call for [homeowner name] with [installer company name] has been completed on [current date].
Labels Label → EB, Welcome Call
Support Channel → Email, Phone
Change “Reporter” to the contractor’s email (found in the contract phase of the project on the platform).
Change the organization under the customer info tab to the installer company name
Select from the “canned responses” field - Welcome Call complete - to send the installer a note
Close the ticket as: done → other → otherOperations