The following user guide will explain how to locate Installer Milestone Payments within the EverBright platform. Only certain users within a given organization will have access to view payments.
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Typically, milestone payments will process within 48hrs or 2 business days of the approval date.
If an installer reaches out to support and states that their milestone has been approved, but the status is still processing:
If a milestone payment has been approved but is still processing and more than 48 hours has passed, the installer may have a negative balance with EverBright. Example:
The installer is expecting a payment for M2 approval in the amount of $34,394.16
The payment is still showing as ‘Processing’
In order to determine if the installer has a negative balance with EverBright, log in as the organization and filter the payments on ‘processing’
The installer also had:
A workflow cancellation on 11/21/22 for $36,930.28
Clawback on M1 for an adjustment on this job of $5250.75
This means that the installer still owes Everbright $7,786.87