they can have as many channel partners added as they’d like
no new configured financing allowed unless “allows configured financing” box is checked in SalesForce.
If the box isn’t marked, tag slack their account manager in the ticket , James, Joe and A-L to coordinate getting an approval added to SalesForce. They will reach out to James or Joe for approval and then circle back with youApprovals can only come from James or Joe.
A-L will then update SalesForce checkbox if the account is permitted to have financing
If the answer is no and configured financing isn’t permitted, remind the account manager to reach out to the customer, send a note to the customer letting them know that their account manager will be reaching out to them regarding their request. Close the ticket.
Document requests are allowed and they can have as many documents as they’d like
Here’s how to use Sales Force to find this information
Make sure you’re looking at the accounts tab (not opportunities or leads).
Ensure you’ve found the correct account, as we have many orgs with similar names
Then look for the “Allows configured financing” checkbox
Note the subscription section - if a paying subscription, you’ll see subscription level indicated AND their monthly payment amount. In the example below, this is a legacy customer who has been converted to new customer with a FREE EB account. They are not paying a subscription.
For this example, you should proceed with channel partner requests and document requests
However requests for new configured financing should be routed to their account manager to arrange for approval (which will be noted in their SF page).
and configured financing requests