Background: A contract holder, homeowner, an authorized person on behalf of the contract holder, or escrow/title company may contact support through a phone call, chat, or email regarding a home sale, refinance, UCC filing removal (also known as a subordination), or payoff amount.
The below tables have more specific information, if needed, outside of the ‘Process Overview’:
Table of Content:
Process Overview
Step | Action | ||||||||||
1 |
and proceed toStep 2 | ||||||||||
2 |
| ||||||||||
IF: | THEN: | ||||||||||
M3 has been approved | Go to Step 3 | ||||||||||
M3 has NOT been approved | Go to Step 4 | ||||||||||
3 |
| ||||||||||
| Home Sale/Transfer & Refinance/UCC Filing/PUC Filing:
| ||||||||||
| Home Sale/Transfer & Refinance/UCC Filing/PUC Filing:
| ||||||||||
4 |
| Home Sale/Transfer |
| “Since your system has not been activated, you would need to speak with your installer. Let them know that you are selling your home and give them your estimated closing date.”Enter disposition notations with billing disposition notations and Stop.||||||||
Refinance/UCC Filing/PUC Filing |
Home Sale Request
Home Sales Spreadsheet
What the homeowner should expect if requesting to do a Home Sale
The Seller’s accounts need to be current or brought current before executing the assignment agreement and before removing anyUCC
Account Servicing will provide payoff/prepay/payout information. If not completed or applicable, they collect information for the Assignment and Assumption (A&A) form for Homeowner Transfer that will be sent to EverBright Customer Support.
EverBright Customer Support agent conducts authoritative copy check and run soft credit qualification decision. If soft credit qualification decision is approved, A&A form is signed by EverBright and sent back to Account Servicing to proceed with home transfer. If is soft credit qualification decision is denied, email is sent to Account Servicing to proceed with payoff. Only if stated in the customer’s contract can they request exemption of the credit application (Do not mention to customer).
After the Home is Sold to the New Buyer
The new buyer is able to obtain access to the Homeowner Portal by referencing the following SOP: Home Transfer Process - MyEverBright. This process is currently handled by Nehemiah @ EverBright and Brian Embry .
PUC Termination Requests
If a request is received to approve filing terminations because a home has been sold, please notify Trent.Preissner and Judy Targosz-Schechter .
Account Services charges $350.00 in administrative costs when a customer submits a refinance request for their home. This information is located on page 8 of the homeowner’s contract, where they are advised of additional costs associated with a mortgage refinance.
Inquiry, removal, solicitation)
Information |
UCC filing termination prior to the conversion to Account Servicing
General Information/Inquiry
UCC Filing Removal Fee Requests
Hello, We are not able to waive the $350 fee associated with the removal of the UCC filing due to the county and processor charging a fee for administering UCC filings. Thank you, [Agent Name] |
UCC Filing Fee solicitation
Hello (homeowner name), As indicated in the document, this is a third-party solicitation. You are not required to use their services and may disregard this notice. Regards, Example of a UCC fee request: |
Copy of UCC Filing
Information | ||
Information | ||
How to handle Payoff Request copies from Account Servicing Account Servicing will provide us with Payoff Request copies that were requested by the homeowner. These copies are only for record keeping. How to Process the Ticket EBH Ticket: Account Servicing
No response is needed. Close the ticket. | ||
Payoff Request as an Email/Ticket The homeowner wishes to pay off their existing account balance on their solar system. The request can either come from the homeowner requesting a payoff quote or a payoff quote can come directly from Account Services (if the homeowner contacted account servicing directly to obtain the quote). There is no penalty if a homeowner wishes to pay off the existing balance on the solar system early. An early pay-off would include only interest accrued to the point of payoff.