The homeowner wishes to pay off their existing account balance on their solar system and contacts account services to request a pay-off statement.
Pay-off Letter (ticket) will be sent directly to Support:
Account services will email a copy of the pay-off letter to support. Pay-off Letter example:
Update the SS ticket:
Update the ticket subject to “Payoff Quote - [customer name]”
Update the request type to ‘Billing and Payments’
Update the ‘Request Participants’ field to: and
Send for approval:
Take a screenshot of Payoff quote and attach it to the Jira ticket
Select ‘reply to customer’ and send the following note to the pricing department:
“++Pricing and Laura Miller for approval
Account Services is seeking approval for the attached pay-off quote. Please review and reply all with approval or denial of the payoff quote”
Once pricing approves the pay-off amount, support will reply to Account Services and the ticket can be closed