In cases where an account manager needs to be looped in, the agent will populate the Account Manager field with the AM for the Organization AND the Regional Manager Field with the Regional Manager’s name. This information is available under the Org’s account in Salesforce. In cases where the Regional and Account Manager are the same (Paige, Davies, Chad, Joe), add James Lee to the Regional Manager field.
DO NOT add the AM to this field when they are added as a ‘watcher’ in a ticket. Individual SOP’s will define when an account manager should be added as a ‘watcher’ versus tagged in an internal comment and added to the ‘Account Manager’ field (along with the Regional Manager).
Request for AM response (per SOP):
Tag the AM in an internal comment in the ticket and leave specific notes regarding the request
Populate the ‘Account Manager’ field with the AM’s name
Populate the ‘Regional Manager’ field with the Regional Manager’s name (or James Lee)
Request Type - Depending on SOP
Change the ticket status to ‘Waiting for Account Manager’
Escalation to Regional Manager or James Lee (per SOP or at leadership request):
Change the ticket status to ‘Waiting for Management’
If a customer replies in a ticket and the status is updated to ‘Waiting for Support’, but response from the account manager/management has not been received, reply to the customer (if required) and change the status back to the prior status (‘Waiting for Account Manager’ or ‘Waiting for Management’)