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SOP Background:

To promote self-service and improve customer experience, the traditional “Welcome Call” that Support would commonly handle is migrating to be an activity that a homeowner can complete online via the MyEverBright portal.

The Digital Welcome Checklists (DWC) will be available to all organizations beginning 01/17/2024! Installers will no longer have the option to manually upload the homeowner’s recorded Welcome Call beginning 02/28/2024.

Homeowners will receive an email invitation to register for the MyEverBright homeowner portal and complete the welcome checklist online. Suppose the homeowner does not register for the MyEverBright portal or fails to complete the welcome checklist after registering the installer will be responsible for ensuring the homeowner completes the DWC.

DWC Disposition Library

Please refer to the following table when assigning a DWC disposition to an interaction.



DWC Clarification

DWC failed and the agent called back to clarify terms of the contract.

Installer WC Inquiry

An installer inquiring about uploading a welcome call, or why the welcome call upload button is not on the platform. 

  • Add the installer org in the disposition notes.

OB DWC/WC No Answer

The customer did not answer when performing an outbound welcome call. 

WC Complete - DWC Fail

Customer initially failed the DWC but passed a traditional WC.

WC Complete - DWC Refused

Customer completed the traditional WC after refusing the DWC.

WC Request - DWC Advise

Installer or Homeowner call in to request/complete a WC and the agent advises to complete DWC.

  • If the installer makes the WC Request, add the installer org in the disposition notes.




  • Use the table below to determine the next steps:

  • Homeowner is calling Support due to a failed checklist attempt.


Background: When a homeowner indicates “NO” to any of the questions on the welcome checklist, they will be instructed to contact Support for us to clarify the terms of their contract.


  • Log into Engine

  • Locate the homeowner’s job.

  • Review the “Welcome Checklist Upload” UTC link.

Follow the steps for providing clarity to failed welcome checklist questions and transferring to the Welcome Call phone line

  • A support email was received for a homeowner who failed the welcome checklist but did not contact Support.

Background: When a homeowner does not call Support the day that they failed the welcome checklist, a Support email is generated the day after in order for us to contact the homeowner and offer assistance.

  • An email will come directly into CXone.

    • Do NOT reply to the email.

 Reference Image


  • Log into Engine

  • Locate the homeowner’s job.

  • Confirm that the homeowner has failed the Welcome Checklist (toggle will not be selected) and confirm there is no WC uploaded.

  • Elevate the email to phone by clicking the phone icon.

 Reference Image


  • From ‘skills’, click the ‘WC Outbound’ skill, enter the H/O phone number, and click ‘call’.

 Reference Image

Follow the steps for contacting and helping a homeowner with a failed welcome checklist

  • Homeowner refuses to complete the Digital Welcome Checklist.

Background: When a homeowner refuses to complete the DWC and would prefer to perform a traditional welcome call.

  • Log into Engine

  • Locate the homeowner’s job.

  • Complete a traditional welcome call with the homeowner.

Refer to How to Handle a Traditional Welcome Call.


The installer is requesting a traditional welcome call or is asking why the welcome call upload button is not on the platform. 

Reminder: Installers will no longer have the option to manually upload the homeowner’s recorded Welcome Call beginning 02/27/2024.

The agent should redirect the installer to having the homeowner register on the MyEverBright portal and complete the DWC.

  • Document the reason for the call.

  • Use the ‘Installer WC Inquiry’ disposition.

  • Note the installers org in the disposition notes.

Only an agent can complete a traditional WC. The installer is not able to complete or upload a WC.

Providing Clarity on Failed Welcome Checklist Questions and Transferring to the Welcome Call Phone Line





  • The phone number is incorrect.

  • The agent should ask for the correct phone number and update it in the qualification phase prior to transferring the call to the welcome call line. The call can be deemed successful.

Proceed to step 2

  • Other contact information is incorrect- (misspelled name, address, unit number)

  • The call can be deemed successful if the installer completes an NCCO.

    • Update the customer’s information in the qualification phase.

    • Use the Welcome Call Status task in M1 notify the installer to complete the NCCO.


This email is to notify you that the Welcome Call for [customer name and address] was completed, however the customer’s [enter incorrect information (i.e. name was misspelled)]. Please complete a No Cost Change Order (NCCO) to correct the information.

Please contact us if you have any questions at 833-830-0475 or send an email to

Thank you,

(Agent name)

 More Info

Leave a note in the Milestone Feed within the project: “Welcome call completed using the original welcome call checklist.”

Email the installer:

Copy the installer’s email address from the contract phase of the homeowner’s job.

Navigate to M1 in Operations phase on Engine.

Click on Welcome Call Status

Click on Send Email

Add the Installer’s email address in Additional Recipients

Add a custom note.


Proceed to step 2

  • If an update to email address is needed

  • Tell the homeowner that we are not able to complete the Welcome Call and that the Installer should be reaching out to them to clarify any details.

    • Use the Welcome Call Status task in M1 notify the installer:


      This email is to notify you that the Welcome Checklist for [customer name and address] was rejected due to the homeowner’s email address being incorrect. Please cancel the workflow, update the email address in the qualification phase, re-quote, and send the updated contract for signature.

      Please contact us if you have any questions at 833-830-0475 or send an email to

      Thank you,

      (Agent name)

 More Info

Leave a note in the Milestone Feed within the project: “Welcome call completed using the original welcome call checklist.”

Email the installer:

Copy the installer’s email address from the contract phase of the homeowner’s job.

Navigate to M1 in Operations phase on Engine.

Click on Welcome Call Status

Click on Send Email

Add the Installer’s email address in Additional Recipients

Add a custom note.


Proceed to step 2

  • For all other missed questions

Proceed to step 2.

Homeowner with a PPA asks for clarification regarding hail damage.

Response: We will be adjusting our welcome call script to remove the word "Hail", as hail is a covered damage expense. Please refer to the section of your contract that details the Insurance (Section 14 section b). The Power Purchase Agreement contract is a binding agreement between Everbright and yourself. You may proceed with the job under the terms the contract provisions or wait until we correct our Welcome Call Script to adjust the verbiage, either way Hail will be covered. Feel free to reach back out for any further clarification.


  • Warm Transfer the homeowner to the “Welcome Call” phone line for a traditional welcome call to be completed.

    • Provide the homeowner’s name and property address to the receiving agent.

      • Also provide the WC agent with any updates to the customer’s contact information (i.e., phone number, name, address, etc.)

    • Select the DWC Clarification Disposition in CXone

  • The auto generated email:

  • Note in the Email:

    • Outcome of the call

      • Click the ‘+' next to 'New Commitment’.

      • Enter the homeowner's info.

      • Use the ‘DWC Clarification’ disposition from the dropdown.

      • Enter the outcome of the call in the ‘Notes’ and ‘Save’.

 Reference Image


  • Close the email.

 Reference Image

Homeowner Failed the Welcome Checklist



Contact homeowner by phone.


Homeowner contacts Everbright because they failed the Digital Welcome Checklist.


Thank you for contacting EverBright. I will be assisting you today with providing clarification on the questions you are unsure about. This checklist is required to be completed with an answer of “YES” to all questions to move forward with your solar project.

Follow the steps for providing clarity to failed welcome checklist questions and transferring to the Welcome Call phone line.

Important: Please do not stay on the phone with the homeowner. Warm Transfer the homeowner to the “Welcome Call” phone line for a traditional welcome call to be completed.

The agent contacts the homeowner because the homeowner failed the Digital Welcome Checklist, and the homeowner answers the call.



“Hello (Homeowner Name),

I am calling from EverBright Support to discuss the questions on your recently completed Welcome Checklist. This checklist is required to be completed with an answer of “YES” to all questions to move forward with your solar project. I will be assisting you today with providing clarification on the questions you are unsure about.”

Follow the steps for providing clarity to failed welcome checklist questions and transferring to the Welcome Call phone line.

Important: Please do not stay on the phone with the homeowner. Warm Transfer the homeowner to the “Welcome Call” phone line for a traditional welcome call to be completed.

The agent contacts the homeowner because the homeowner failed the Digital Welcome Checklist, and the homeowner does not answer and/or the agent receives voicemail.

Do not close the email until the call has been completed.


“Hi (Customer Name), this is (Agent’s Name) from EverBright Homeowner Support. We are calling to discuss the questions on your recently completed Welcome Checklist. Please give us a call back at 833-830-0475. We are open every day from 6 AM to 8 PM Pacific Time / 9 AM to 11 PM Eastern Time. We look forward to hearing from you!”

  • Schedule a commitment by clicking 'Commit” at the top.

 Reference Image


  • Enter the homeowner information, notes, and save.

 Reference Image


  • Select the ‘OB DWC/WC No Answer’ Disposition

  • Close the email by clicking ‘Proceed’.

 Reference Image



If there have been less than 5 outbound attempts

Arrange a Callback Commitment for Digital Welcome Checklist Outbound Support for the following business day.


If this is the 5th attempt

Notify the installer of our inability to connect with the homeowner.

Close the ticket.


Arranging a Callback Commitment for Digital Welcome Checklist Outbound Support




Notifying the Installer of Our Inability to Connect with the Homeowner




  • Copy the Installer’s email address from the contract phase in the homeowner’s job.

  • Navigate to Milestone 1 in the Operations phase of the customer’s job.

  • Click on Welcome Call Status

  • Click on Send Email

 Send Email screenshot
  • Add the Installer’s email address in “Additional Recipients.”

  • Add a Custom Note:


We have not been able to speak with (homeowner name) to complete the required digital welcome checklist. Please contact the homeowner and advise them to call us at 833-830-0475 to complete the checklist. We are available every day of the week from 9am to 11pm Eastern Time.

Thank You,

(Agent name)

Commonly Failed Welcome Checklist Questions


Are you aware that by making larger or additional payments before the end of the 18th month your account is active, the amount due for your subsequent monthly payments may be reduced?

Your solar financing payments are re-amortized once at month 18. If you make only the buydown payment (by month 18), your subsequent payments will be $X.XX. In addition to the buydown, if you choose to make extra or larger payments before month 18, your subsequent payments will be lower than $X.XX.

Your agreement states that if you choose not to exercise the buydown option and you pay by ACH, you will have 18 monthly payments of $X, 281 monthly payments of $X, and then 1 additional payment of $X. Is that correct?

Your solar financing payments are re-amortized once at month 18. If you make only the buydown payment (by month 18), your subsequent payments will be $X.XX. If you choose not to make a buydown payment, your payment will be $X.XX when the loan re-amortizes.

The annual percentage increase for your price per kilowatt hour is X%. Is that correct?

If the customer questions why the price is increasing yearly (PPA’s)

It’s simply how the pricing is structured. The escalator is similar to inflation. While circumstances differ utility by utility, generally speaking, energy prices have increased steadily over time. The difference with the PPA is you know exactly what your future rate will be as it is pre-negotiated and it is a modest [X.X]%.

Do you understand that you will have utility charges and may still have to purchase additional electricity from the utility?

Customers don’t understand why they might still have a utility bill

Peak electricity consumption generally happens in the late afternoon/evening hours, combined with the fact that your solar system only generates electricity during daylight hours. Therefore, unless you have battery storage and/or backup, you will need to pull electricity from the grid during other parts of the day in order to provide power to your home.

The customer is asking for clarification about the “Hail” damage with a PPA.

We will be adjusting our welcome call script to remove the word "Hail", as hail is a covered damage expense. Please refer to the section of your contract that details the Insurance (Section 14 section b). The Power Purchase Agreement contract is a binding agreement between Everbright and yourself. You may proceed with the job under the terms the contract provisions or wait until we correct our Welcome Call Script to adjust the verbiage, either way Hail will be covered.

Return to Process

Images of a Passed and Failed Welcome Checklist



Passed Welcome Checklist


If the homeowner answers “YES” to all questions, that is considered a passed Welcome Checklist. Once the homeowner successfully passes the Welcome Checklist, the checklist will automatically be uploaded into the homeowner's job in Engine and the “Welcome Checklist Complete” item will be toggled.


Failed Welcome Checklist

If a homeowner answers “NO” to any of the questions on the checklist, it is considered a failed Welcome Checklist, and the homeowner will receive a message to contact EverBright’s support team. The checklist will be uploaded into the homeowner’s job in Engine and will indicate that it is a failed Welcome Checklist, and the “Welcome Checklist Complete” item will NOT be toggled.


Issues with the Homeowner Portal View

Some homeowners are experiencing issues with what they see in the homeowner portal. The majority of the issues are attributed to the customer having multiple signed contracts that has not been cleared or canceled.

If the homeowner is having that issue, try the following.

  • Look at the dropdown in the upper righthand corner, where you see an "address". see if there is a dropdown option to select a different record there. If so, that other option may be the correct agreement that the customer wants to look at and complete the DWC for.

  • Check the admin-side of MyEverBright for a customer who says their Early Access page looks incorrect. Cross reference that customer detail page in MyEverBright with the job in Engine. Specifically, look in engine for a previously signed contract on the job, and see if it's canceled. Looking at the "canceled" contract ID in engine, you can then press the "archive" button on MyEverBright associated with the agreement.




The option to submit the Welcome Call manually has been removed. Are there any training materials that I can share with my team to understand the new Digital Welcome Checklist requirement? 

Provide the installer with the DWC Info Guide and or the training video for a step-by-step guide to the DWC. Here we walk you through the steps the homeowner needs to take and share what the installer needs to know about how a pass/fail is reflected in Engine.

Why was the Welcome Call changed to a digital, self-service format?

Prior to launching the Digital Welcome Checklist, we received valuable feedback from our installers via NPS surveys and interactions with our support team requesting that we reduce the time and effort required to complete the Welcome Call. In response to these installer requests and to improve the onboarding of new homeowners, EverBright chose to shift to a more streamlined, self-service digital process. This new system has relieved the installer of the responsibility of overseeing the uploading of recorded Welcome Calls and has reduced Customer Support’s welcome call volume. 

Are the Digital Welcome Checklist questions the same as what was included in the Welcome Call? 

The questions are very similar although we have made a few updates including changing them from questions to statements that require “Yes” or “No” responses.

Can I be present to assist the homeowner when he or she is conducting the DWC?

Yes, you can support them through the digital process, however, you must not coach any of their responses. 

How will I know if the homeowner has passed or failed the DWC?

Once the homeowner passes the digital welcome checklist, the operations phase is updated, and under the Welcome Checklist task, a toggle will automatically turn to blue reflecting “Welcome Checklist Complete” on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. If the homeowner fails the checklist, the task will show “In Progress” next to a yellow button in the upper right and lower left-hand corners of the screen. 

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