Background: A new enhancement has been created in Salesforce related to the “Product Development” Record type, this allow support agents to generate DEV tickets through Sales Force by creating Case Assignments, which will automatically generate an error ticket in the corresponding Jira project for engineering teams to address.
Table of Content:
Supportive Information
Process: Creating a Dev-Bug Ticket
Filing a bug ticket is an important part of making sure issues get resolved. When filing a bug, the clearer the information the easier it is for the development team to resolve the issue. This is why we must be file bug tickets with all required information and give as many details as possible. Below details how to file a bug ticket.
Support’s back office team will review all issues prior to submitting bug tickets.
Before creating any Dev-Bug Ticket we will need to troubleshoot to make sure if Bug ticket is actually required or not
Step | Event | Action |
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(Example: If the BUG is related with users not being able to upload utility bills you should see a file named as “Unable to upload utility bill” or similar) | ||
| You must collect the following information :
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6 |
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Add the following Fields:
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Once the Case has been created
Only If Bug Ticket Specialist is NOT available then please tag any of the following: | ||
7 |
8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 | For Bug Ticket Specialist Only: | |
Event | Action | |
Please make sure to tag into the post the correct Product Team member by using the following SOP as reference | |
13 |
| IF Bug ticket is NOT required |
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IF Bug ticket IS required | ||
(DEV) BUG Ticket Creation Process - (For Bug Ticket Specialist Handling)
Step | Action | |
1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
Once the Dev Bug Case Assignment is created :
Slack the #Customer-Support channel with the “Corresponding Jira Ticket” Located in the Case Assignment created
Include (@channel) in the message so a Product Manager can assess how to prioritize.
Please include a detailed description in the post as well.
If you created this bug ticket in response to a Support Inquiry, please follow up with the customer and let them know that a bug ticket has been filed and we will keep them up to date regarding the solution.