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For login information, please see https://goeverbright.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQB72w
Basic Navigation
Your top bar will have the following options based on your user access:
Dashboard: Offers a comprehensive view of site performance and health, visualizing production and consumption data, along with an overview of on-site equipment, open alerts, and general information.
Layout: Shows the physical layout of the installed equipment
Widget Guide
Power & Energy Charts
The Site Power & Energy chart can be toggled to display either power or energy, in any resolution up to a week. In larger timeframes, only energy visualization is available.
The Inverter Level Power & Energy chart displays a breakdown of power and energy per inverter. This will be affected by the Power and Energy toggle selection.
c. The Normalization toggle allows you to display inverter-level yield by dividing each inverter’s power or energy production by its individual DC Peak Power. You can configure each inverter’s Peak Power via the Admin → Performance tab.
Alerts Widget
The Alerts widget displays an overview of the open alerts in the site. If there are multiple alerts of the same type, you will see an indication of how many instances are open.
Clicking on a specific alert will display more information about the alert in the Site Alerts page.
Site Equipment
The Equipment widget provides an overview of the inventory of the site, by types of equipment.
By expanding each of the nodes in the tree, you can see the various device models and their corresponding serial numbers.
You can hover over the information icon for any inverter to see its communication type and firmware versions.
Understanding the Dashboard
Date Ranges: Select what dates you would like to analyze, by updating them here; if you are performing a bill analysis, make sure the dates match what is on the utility bill.
Energy Insights: These sections will look different based on the equipment installed at the home. Homes without batteries or consumption monitoring will only show production.
Power that was produced and sent or used by the home.
Power that was produced and sent and stored in the battery.
Excess power produced that was sent to the grid for the applicable NEM credits.
Power the home used from solar panels.
Power the battery stored from panels.
Solar power sent to the utility grid.
Site Power: This graphic shows Production and Consumption in a visual form.
Selecting this button will allow you to split the chart and separate Production and Consumption
Understanding the Layout
Choose “Show Playback” to open a visual timeline of production. Adjust the time period to see a longer timeline.
Click to start the visual playback of production.
This is a great way to see if an individual module is having issues and not producing well.