All accounts have the Sighten MyProposal template available to use by default. To start using MyProposal, a user with Organization Administrator permissions can create at least one copy of the Sighten Proposal template to use and/or customize.

There are two settings that are related to how a MyProposal template will generate as a PDF:

  1. Repeat page per quote in PDF
  2. Show org logo in PDF

While in edit mode for a given MyProposal template, click the gear icon in the upper right corner to toggle these options on or off.

Repeat page per quote in PDF

This setting is defaulted to off. Toggling this setting on means that the page will be repeated for every quote included in this MyProposal template. For example, if there is one quote in the proposal, the page will appear once. If there are three quotes in the proposal, the page will appear three times. Quote-specific metrics will populate with information for Quote 1, Quote 2, and Quote 3, respectively.

Pages that include quote information and repeat per quote already have this option toggled on by default. This includes the Quote Details page and the Cash Flows page.

Show org logo in PDF

This setting is defaulted to on. Toggling this setting off means the org logo will not be displayed on a given page. This may be desirable on the cover page or if the org logo is blocking information on a page that contains significant information.

Creating new template pages

If you copy a page, it will inherit the PDF settings from the page used to make the new page copy. For example, if you copy the Quote Details page, it will have the "Repeat page per quote in PDF" toggled on.

If you copy the Next Steps page, it will have the "Repeat page per quote in PDF" toggled off.

If you make a new page, it will default to show the org logo but not to repeat the page per quote.

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