How to report a Configuration Error

How to report a Configuration Error

Errors happen in our configuration (this is not the same as an error code), and when a customer reports an error/misconfiguration via Support, it should be reported using the below process:

  • Create a CS ticket to correct the error

    • Select ‘Resolution’ in ticket type field

    • Under Config Issue, take you best guess and mark the reason why the error occurred. This will be reviewed on a monthly basis, but always good to give it your best guess

      • Yes - Our Mistake if this was something that should have been done and was not, such as not attaching a document to a workflow

      • Yes - Miscommunication if this was due to the customer not making it clear what what the requirements were, such as a metric they wanted or giving us the incorrect fees

      • Yes - Account specific requests not followed if the instructions in this sheet were not followed for a specific org

    • Under This Ticket Causes Config Issue?, mark

      • Linked ticket

  • Click on the component

  • Scroll through past tickets and link the ticket where the ticket occurred

  • When you find the ticket, link it to the ticket previously created

    • Under Config Issue, mark with the same field as you did previously

    • Under This Ticket Causes Config Issue? Select “This Ticket”