How is loan amount calculated in the proposal?

How is loan amount calculated in the proposal?

EverBright calculates loan amount from the install cost inserted by the user and the dealer fees set on the product.


Loan Amount ($) = (Install Cost ($) - Installer Paid Rebates ($) -Upfront Payment ($)+ Dealer Fee ($)

Dealer fees are calculated as a percentage of the loan amount (not of the install cost), as a result:

Loan Amount ($) = (Install Cost ($) - Installer Paid Rebates ($) - Upfront Payment ($)) + Dealer Fee (%) x Loan Amount ($)

And with some simple algebra:

Loan Amount ($) = (Install Cost ($)- Installer Paid Rebates ($) - Upfront Payment ($)) / (1 - Dealer Fee (%))


You create a quote for a Demo Loan that has a 10% dealer fee.

You design a 15.120 kW system.

You input an install cost of $1.984/W, so the total install cost is $1.984/W x  15.120 kW = $30,000.

Loan amount, as per the formula above is thus $30,000 / (1-0.1) = $33,333.

That’s the number you’ll find in the proposal (below). All these numbers are rounded where they appear in the Quote and Proposal Phase.

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