Support Process - Proposal Assistant

Support Process - Proposal Assistant

SS-Process – Proposal Assistant

When to use: A customer expresses frustration with updating their proposal and/or appears unable to make the changes they want

Available to: Org admins – any subscription type

What to say:
(canned response – edit/modify as needed for the situation or specific topic they need)

I have included the Knowledge Base article link that you can browse and review how to edit or customize your proposal template.


In addition, we now offer proposal customization advisory services. Feel free to access the link to find more information on how we can assist you with your proposal.

Sighten Proposal Assistant Customization Services

I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have further questions or concerns. I'll be happy to assist you with whatever you need!

(Your name)

Ticket handling:

1.) If the customer declines the offer, continue working with them on the current ticket

2.) If you don’t hear from the customer in a couple of days:

a.) check to see if there’s a new proposal assistant ticket in progress - if so, link your ticket and close follow up again and offer the advisory services,

b.) If not, follow up on your prior note - offer the proposal assistant program, or continue to work with them directly on their needs

c.)  If customer continues to be non-responsive then close the ticket after another couple of days.