Before you can add a shared mailbox to Outlook, you must first confirm with the mailbox owner that you have been given sufficient privileges to do so. Once you have been granted access, follow the instructions below to add the mailbox to Outlook.
Windows 10 Users
Open Outlook.
Select the File menu.
Select Account Settings, and then select Account Settings… from the dropdown menu.
Select your email address from the list, and then select Change.
Select More Settings….
Select the Advanced tab.
Select Add….
Enter the email address associated with the shared mailbox in the Add mailbox: field, and then select OK.
Select OK.
Select Next >.
Select Finish.
Select Close.
macOS Users
Open Outlook.
Select Tools at the top of the screen to show the Tools ribbon.
Select Accounts.
Select your email address, then select Advanced….
Select the Delegates tab.
In the Open these additional mailboxes: section, select the + icon.
Enter the email address associated with the shared mailbox, and then select it from the list.
Select Add.
Select OK.
Close the Accounts window.
If you receive a message stating that Outlook was redirected to the server …:
Check the Always use my response for this server option.
Select Allow.
Office 365 Online
Browse to and log on
Select the Outlook tile.
Select your account icon in the top right corner of the page.
Select Open another mailbox….
Enter the email address associated with the shared mailbox, and then select it from the list.
Select Open.