1. According to the new RIC 2.0, when does the finance accrual start date occur?
A. Installation Date
B. M3 Completion
C. M2 Completion
D. In-Service Date
E. Both B and D
2. According to the new RIC 2.0, when is the first payment due for the Homeowner?
A. 2 months after the “Installation Date”
B. Once the system photos have been uploaded to the platform
C. 30 days after the “In-Service date”
D. When the Installer gives EverBright the “go ahead”
3. The Cancellation Window has been changed to 7 business days for all states per the RIC 2.0.
A. True
B. False
4. Which of the following fees have been eliminated per the RIC 2.0:
A. Transfer fee
B. Credit Check Exemption fee
C. Payment by Phone fee
D. Payment Processing fee
E. All of the above
5. Any RIC executed prior to 2/28/2023 will be on RIC 1.0 terms. Single choice. (1 Point)
A. True
B. False
6. Per the RIC 2.0, how many days has the cancellation notice been updated to?
A. 10 days to gain uniformity across all states
B. Depends on the state
C. 7 days
D. 5 days
7. On a RIC 2.0 agreement, the Buy Down payment is due:
A. Before the 15th payment due date
B. Before the 17th payment due date
C. Before the 18th payment due date
D. None of the above
8. Per the RIC 2.0, monitoring will remain optional.
A. True
B. False
9. According to the RIC 2.0, customers can now save money when they register for ACH payments. What is the difference in APR for using ACH payments?
A. .25%
B. .50%
C. .75%
D. No difference
10. When is the RIC 2.0 expected to launch?
A. Next year
B. February 28th 2023
C. July 4th 2023
D. Launched last month