Configuration requests can now be submitted in Salesforce through a Jira integration. Agents will create a Configuration case and case assignment which will generate the Jira ticket. Any updates to the CS ticket will update the case assignment.
Step | Action | |
1 | Create an Installer case in Salesforce
| |
2 | Upload any documents to the Related tab on the case | |
3 | Create a Case assignment for Configuration | |
4 | Fill out the following:
Assignee names must match what’s currently in Jira. Future enhancement will have a dropdown list for Assignee and QA Assignee Always assign tickets based on workload per the SOP by referring to the dashboard | |
5 | The new case assignment contains the status as well as the Jira ticket link The ticket link can take up to a minute to populate on the CA | |
6 | The case assignment creates the CS ticket in Jira Any updates to the Jira ticket summary or description will not update the case, however, if the assignee or QA assignee is updated it will be updated in the case. | |
7 | Any comments made on the Jira ticket will populate in the chatter feed of the case Currently notes only feed into the case from Jira, not from SF to Jira. If the agent needs to communicate with Config on a ticket, they will need to use the Jira link and place an internal comment in the ticket. Will be enhanced in the future to allow bi-directional communication within SF. | |
8 | The case status automatically updates when the Jira ticket is updated. Likewise, when the Jira ticket is updated to Done, the CA is automatically closed If the case assignment does not automatically update and the corresponding config ticket is done, the agent can update the CA to closed | |
9 | Once the CA is closed, the agent can close the case | |
10 | Notify the customer/installer that the configuration request has been completed. | Please use the quick reply named as “Config Req Complete” |
Epic Numbers
Numbers must be entered in the CA, not the name of the Epic.
CS Workflow/Milestone Requests CS-28903
This Epic is utilized for workflow or milestone changes that will come internally from EverBright employees.
CS Installer Configurations - CS-28900
This Epic is utilized for Installer Requests
CS Incentive Requests CS-28901
This epic is for tickets related to incentives
CS Milestone Payment Requests CS-28898
This epic is for tickets related to milestone payment configurations
CS Equipment Requests CS-28897
This epic is for any equipment configurations
CS Product Rule Requests CS-28902
This epic is for any tickets where a product rule is added or adjusted
CS Onboarding CS-28899
This epic is for onboarding (partner, installer, product, etc.) related requests
CS Document Requests CS-28904
This epic is for any tickets related to documents