The following user guide will explain how to locate Installer Milestone Payments within the EverBright platform. If an installer has a question regarding their payment amount, the Installer Payments page will be useful as it will provide a breakdown of payments per milestone. Only certain users within a given organization will have access to view this information.
If an installer calls in and inquires about their payment information, here’s what to do:
1.) Do they have approved access to this information?
Review their permissions to determine if they have access to the operations phase. If not, re-direct the installer or sales rep to an org admin or operations phase manager, within their organization. See the figure below.
Once you have validated that the contractor or sales rep has access to the operations phase, you can then proceed with the following steps to provide them with installer payment information and how to locate the installer payments for a given job.
2.) Finding the milestone payment status information:
a. Select the appropriate project from the Sighten Pipeline.
b. Select the Operations tab from the vertical ribbon on the left side of the page.
c. Under Milestone 1, select Installer Payments.
d. A new window will open showing a breakdown of payments per milestone.
The Payment Status is shown on the far right column. This column will provide a date when a payment has been made.
The EverBright platform also provides the ability to generate reports. Among the selection of available templates, is a payments report. The payments report will pull job details, installer payment status, and the date the payments have been made. This will be useful if an installer needs to cross-reference a payment with their projects in the pipeline. To generate a payment report, select Reports from the horizontal ribbon at the top of the page. Next, select New Report. From the New Report window, there is a template drop-down list. Select Payment Report.
Once the Payment Report has been selected, the user will be prompted to choose a date range as well as pick from a list of metrics to run the report against(choose Sight Last Updated). Click Run Report to generate the payment report. Please note that the org will need to have had payments within the specified date range for anything to populate.
Once generated, the user can export the report in CSV format.