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Background: Our agreement with the homeowner permits them to cancel the agreement within a certain number of days of signing the contract.

Table of Contents:


Options for Cancellation

  1. The homeowner can mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of a Cancellation Notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram, to EverBright, LLC, at 700 Universe Boulevard, Juno Beach, FL 33408

  2. Send an email request from the email address on record (check the contract for the homeowner email addresses)

  3. The installer can request cancellation on behalf of the homeowner (a confirmation email will need to be sent to the homeowner)

  4. We’ll accept the installer’s cancellation form if it was sent in place of our own.

  5. Everbright has the right to cancel workflows in M1 and M2. Both the homeowner and installer must be notified of the cancellation

We’ll accept a cancellation after the cancellation period noted in their agreement (the number of days varies by state); however, we will need to coordinate with the installer on the next steps because they may have already started the work. Follow this link to handle unresponsive installers: Installer Unresponsive to Homeowner or Support

Note: Cancellation requests can be accepted in Spanish. If the contract was generated in English, the cancellation request can still be made in Spanish.


Cancellation Requests from a Homeowner

All requests for cancellations must be received in writing from the homeowner BEFORE submitting the request to DP, if applicable.

EverBright requires cancellation requests to be in writing. If the request came in via phone or chat, ask the homeowner to send us an email (from their email address on file) to with their request to cancel.




If the agent is no longer on the phone with the homeowner, pull the email address for the homeowner from the contact phase and create a new homeowner support ticket. Then use the homeowner’s email as the reporter and “reply to the customer” stating that we need a statement including their request to cancel.

The agent should reply:


Thank you for letting us know that you would like to cancel your agreement. Please respond to this email stating whether you would like to proceed with cancellation so that we may have your request in writing.


Gracias por informarnos que desea cancelar su acuerdo. Responda a este correo electrónico indicando si desea continuar con la cancelación para que podamos recibir su solicitud por escrito.


If a homeowner contacts EverBright regarding their cancellation status.

For example: The homeowner asks, “has my request/notice to cancel my contract/agreement been received?”

The agent should:

  • Log in as:

    • Organization: EverBright, LLC

    • User: EverBright Admin

    • Click ‘Log In’

 Reference Image
  • Navigate to the job by searching for the homeowner’s name and/or address.

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  • Navigate to the operations phase to check M1 and the status of the contract.

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  • The Deal Processing team will add notes/status.

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If the request has not been received.



Your notice of cancellation has not yet been received in our system. I will notate your account that you inquired about the status of your request. You may also send another request to and we will process your cancellation.


Su aviso de cancelación aún no ha sido recibido en nuestro sistema. Anotaré en su cuenta que usted preguntó sobre el estado de su solicitud. También puede enviar otra solicitud a y procesaremos su cancelación.

If the request has been received but is pending cancellation.



Your notice of cancellation has been received and is currently being processed.


Su notificación de cancelación ha sido recibida y actualmente se está procesando.

If the request has been cancelled.



Your contract/agreement has been cancelled successfully as of (date of cancellation).


Su contrato/acuerdo se canceló exitosamente a partir de (fecha de cancelación).

Refer to the Cancellation Process by Milestone

Cancellation Notice to the Homeowner

When the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is clicked, the workflow will go into a Cancel Pending status for 14 business days where the workflow can be restored to its active state. After 14 business days, the workflow will transition into a fully cancelled status. Once the workflow is fully cancelled, this triggers an automated notification of cancellation that will be emailed to the homeowner and the workflow will NOT be able to be restored. This includes duplicate projects.

Situation: If a homeowner cancels a workflow and signs a new agreement the next day, the first workflow will go into a fully cancelled status on the 14th business day. The homeowner will then get a cancellation notice. This may be confusing to the homeowner about which workflow they’re receiving the cancellation notice for.

Solution: The contract ID can be found in the notice. Use the below DAL query to confirm the information about the workflow. You can switch out the site ID and Contract ID.,workflow_id,workflow_status,quote_number,site_id,current_milestone_name,current_milestone_status,product_installation_org_name&homeowner_contract_id=f9557904&site_id=d234d4f4-df43-4b91-8c29-0c8e2737c2e4

Mailed Paper Cancellation Requests from Homeowner

The homeowner has a 10 day right to cancel. The homeowner can sign the agreement and mail it in to EverBright. Once the agreement is received it is scanned to and this creates an email to CXone.




When the email is received in CXone.

  • Open the attachment and note the Contract ID number.

    • Can be found at the top right corner of the agreement.

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  • Look the customer up in PowerBi and navigate to the job in Engine.

  • Check the milestone to be sure that no system photos have been uploaded.

  • Create a new email.

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  • Add the installers email in the address line and click the ‘Email - Homeowner OB’ skill.

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  • The subject line should be ‘Notice of Cancellation - (Customer Name)’.

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  • Use the quick reply ‘Paper Cancellation.’

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  • Add the homeowners name and agent name in the required fields and click 'Insert”.

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  • After the quick reply has been inserted into the body of the message, click ‘Send’.

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  • Complete the disposition and end the email.

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Outbound requests should ONLY be done through the HO Outbound Email skill.


If system photos are uploaded (glass on roof)

  • Forward the email.

    • DO NOT end or close the email.

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  • Update the subject line to ‘Cancellation Request – (Customer Name)’

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  • Insert the ‘Quick Reply – Jira Cancellation’ and ‘Send’.

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  • Complete the disposition and end the email.

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Escalate to a supervisor.

Refer to /wiki/spaces/SS/pages/3153526807.

Refer to the Cancellation Process by Milestone

Cancellation Requests from the Installer

If the installer contacts Everbright support on behalf of the homeowner to request a cancellation:

IF the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is available to the installer, direct the installer to click the button. When the installer clicks the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button, the workflow will go into a Cancel Pending status for 14 business days where the workflow can be restored to its active state. After 14 business days, the workflow will transition into a fully cancelled status.

Important: Once the workflow is fully cancelled, this triggers an automated notification of cancellation that will be emailed to the homeowner and the workflow will NOT be able to be restored.

Deal Processing CANNOT restore the workflow after 14 business days, including duplicate projects. A new contract will have to be signed. Do not send a request to DP to restore the workflow after 14 business days.



IF the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is available to the installer, when cancelling a workflow, the installer must choose a reason from the dropdown menu.

Note: A written cancellation request is NOT required from the homeowner, IF the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is available to the installer.

Important: Sales orgs no longer have the option to cancel. The sales org must reach out to their installer regarding cancellations.

Refer to Cancellation Requests from the Sales Org/Sales Rep.

  • Homeowner Requested Cancellation

  • Milestone Aged

  • Failed Qualification

  • Product Change Requested

  • Other

    • Textbook to include reason.

If the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is NOT available to the installer.

A written cancellation request is required from the homeowner.

  • To verify if the ‘Cancel Workflow’ is available to an installer or sales rep, log into Engine. Use the ‘Log In As’ feature and log in as the org.

 Reference Image
  • Pull up the customer and click on the ‘Operations’ Phase. Click on the milestone they are requesting to be canceled. There should be no ‘Cancel Workflow’ available.

 Reference Image


Refer to the Cancellation Process by Milestone

Cancellation Requests from the Sales Org/Sales Rep

If the sales rep contacts Everbright support on behalf of the homeowner to request a cancellation.



Sales orgs no longer have the option to cancel.

The sales rep must reach out to their installer regarding cancellations.

Important: The sales org/sales rep should reach out to the other signer/installer on the contract.

The signers on the contract can be found in the ‘Contract Phase’.

 Reference Image


If the installer is unable to cancel or the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is NOT available.

A written cancellation request is required from the homeowner.

To verify if the ‘Cancel Workflow’ is available to an installer or sales rep, log into Engine. Use the ‘Log In As’ feature and log in as the org.

 Reference image


  • Pull up the customer and click on the ‘Operations’ Phase. Click on the milestone they are requesting to be canceled. There should be no ‘Cancel Workflow’ available.

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Internal Cancellation Notifications from Deal Processing

If the support team receives a Jira ticket from the Deal processing Team with a notification that they have canceled a workflow.

Important: If the ticket comes into the software support (SS) queue, move it to the Homeowner support (EBH) queue prior to closing.

Refer to: Moving a Ticket to a Different Project in Jira




Forward the DP ticket to the installer.

DO NOT create a separate ticket for the installer notification.

  • Request type: Cancellation.

  • Reporter: Update to the email address of the installer assigned to that homeowner’s job (click ‘ownership’ on the job in the pipeline view to see phase ownership for the job)

  • Request Participants: Add the email address of the salesperson assigned to the homeowner’s job.

  • Add the installer’s org name.

  • Description: Job Address

Send a note to the installer.


We are contacting you to inform you that the contract for [homeowner’s name and job address] was canceled [insert comments from DP]. The homeowner has been informed, as well.


Agent Name

When the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is clicked, the workflow will go into a Cancel Pending status for 14 business days where the workflow can be restored to its active state. After 14 business days, the workflow will transition into a fully cancelled status.

Important: Once the workflow is fully cancelled, this triggers an automated notification of cancellation that will be emailed to the homeowner and the workflow will NOT be able to be restored.

Deal Processing CANNOT restore the workflow after 14 business days, including duplicate projects. A new contract will have to be signed. Do not send a request to DP to restore the workflow after 14 business days.


If DP has not cancelled the workflow within 14 business days (M-F 9am-6pm EST), leave an internal comment in the linked DP ticket to request a review. ALWAYS check the job on Engine to make sure it wasn’t cancelled before reaching out to DP.


There are some jobs that will be automatically canceled.



A job has been pending in M1 status for more than 90 days.

On the 91st day, the job will be automatically canceled.

Any job where the conditional credit or title approval is declined.

The job will automatically be canceled.

Refer to the Cancellation Process by Milestone.

Notifying Deal Processing

To notify Deal processing of a cancellation request.


  • Create a Jira ticket.

  • Update the status of the ticket to ‘Waiting for Deal Processing’.

  • This will create a linked ticket for DP to process.

  • Once complete, DP will update the status of their ticket to 'Resolved”.

Note: Any DP communications should be via internal comments in the Jira ticket.

Agents should NOT be reaching out to Deal Processing until the 14th business day, only IF the job is NOT in a pending cancel status. Please allow DP 13 full business days for processing.

Refer to

Deal Processing CANNOT restore the workflow after 14 business days, including duplicate projects. A new contract will have to be signed. Do not send a request to DP to restore the workflow after 14 business days.

Return to Process.

Cancellation Process by Milestone




If M1 has not been approved:

  • The approval submission will need to be rejected first.

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  • Then click ‘Submit Review’.

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  • After submitting for review, proceed to cancel the workflow by clicking the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button.

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  • When the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button is clicked, the workflow will go into a Cancel Pending status for 14 business days where the workflow can be restored to its active state.

  • After 14 business days, the workflow will transition into a fully cancelled status. This triggers an automated notification of cancellation that will be emailed to the homeowner.

Send a note to the installer.

  • Create a ticket.

    • Request type: Cancellation

    • Reporter: Add the email address of the Installer assigned to that homeowner’s job (click ‘ownership’ on the job in the pipeline view to see phase ownership for the job)

    • Request Participants: Add the email address of the salesperson assigned to the homeowner’s job

    • Add the installer’s org name

    • Description: Job Address + Engine Job URL

Leave note: (Homeowner name) has advised EverBright that they’d like to proceed with cancellation. We’ve approved the request. Thank you!

  • Close the ticket.

If M1 has been approved:

Go to M2.

M1 auto-cancellation

The platform will block multiple signed contracts at the same address, and we will trigger automatic cancellations for M1 workflows that have aged 91 days and for workflows that have conditional title or credit declined.

M1A (Direct Pay)

If M1A has not been approved:

  • Navigate to Milestone 1 in the job.

  • Leave a private comment along with a link to the ticket and your initials.

 Reference Image
  • Then click on the red ‘Cancel Workflow’ button.

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  • Enter the reason for cancellation.

    • Homeowner Requested Cancellation

    • Milestone Aged

    • Failed Qualification

    • Product Change Requested

    • Other

      • Textbook to include reason.

  • Click the “Confirm' button.

 Reference Image
  • Close the ticket.

M1B (Direct Pay)

If there has been an invoice uploaded and equipment has been ordered, the invoice would need to be paid and notify DP of the cancellation request.

Note: Once DP approves the cancellation request, it can be canceled in M2.

If there is no invoice, no equipment that has been ordered, and the milestone has not been approved.

The support agent can cancel the workflow by clicking the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button.

 Reference Image


If there are NO system photos uploaded.

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The support agent can cancel the workflow by clicking the ‘Cancel Workflow’ button.

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If system photos have been uploaded.

Escalate to a lead resolution agent.

Supervisors refer to /wiki/spaces/SS/pages/3153526807.

If there is suspected error on the part of EverBright or the installer with regard to the contract, gather as much information as possible from the customer’s job and tag Resolution (Berenice Peralta Eric Suarez Nehemiah @ EverBright).

Important: In cases of suspected fraud or referring to hiring an attorney, please refer to the Escalations SOP.

M2 (Direct Pay)

The job cannot be cancelled by the installer or the support agent.


These jobs CANNOT be cancelled.



Your request for cancellation has been received. However, we are unable to approve your request.


Se ha recibido su solicitud de cancelación. Sin embargo, no podemos aprobar su solicitud.

If there is suspected error on the part of EverBright or the installer with regard to the contract, gather as much information as possible from the customer’s job and tag Resolution (Berenice Peralta Eric Suarez Nehemiah @ EverBright).

Important: In cases of suspected fraud or referring to hiring an attorney, please refer to the Escalations SOP.

Requests to restore workflows refer to the Restoring Workflows SOP.

Multi-Contract Homeowners



Homeowners that have multiple contracts with the same installer for different properties, to find the correct contract for the property address they would like to complete the DWC for, the customer should:

  • Log into the homeowner portal.

  • Click the dropdown at the top right corner.

 Reference Image
  • Select the property address they would like to complete the DWC for.

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The homeowner receives a second or multiple MyEverBright registration links.

The homeowner is able to log in with their original account and follow the steps above.

Note: The homeowner does NOT have to create multiple accounts.

The homeowner has multiple signed contracts with multiple installers.

The contract will be blocked. The homeowner can’t sign multiple contracts with multiple installers.

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