Background: If RIC or PPA customers need panels removed due to roof repairs or natural disasters.
For a RIC 1.0:
The homeowner may reach out asking for who/process for removing panels to repair or replace a roof. For an EverOwn, the homeowner is responsible for the cost. We request that the homeowner provides us the below information:
What work needs to be completed for the roof?
The approximate start and finish date?
Once the repairs are completed, the customer needs to inform Everbright. Also make the customer aware that per their contract, the panels must be placed in the same locations, no modifications are approved, and they will need to be sure to not void their manufacturer warranties. Manufacturer warranties typically require written consent or notification to the warranty company. The customer should review their signed contract to determine the warranty specifications before removing their system. Their limited manufacturer warranty can be found on the manufacturer's website or by contacting the manufacturer.
For a PPA:
The customer would need to contact Omnidian. Omnidian can do the removal or reinstall for a price, or they can have a 3rd party company approved by Omnidian complete the removal or reinstall.
For Natural disasters (not just a normal reroof):
If the homeowner asks, Everbright can pause their payments in 3-month increments until the system is reinstalled. This does not eliminate their payments. Payments will resume after the reinstall has been completed and the “paused” payments will be deferred to the end of their contract term. For this, please tag Cassandra Mercado and Sabin Abad (Unlicensed) so we can work on the deferral process.